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Results for nancy unger

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    Gays and Lesbians in Colonial America

    Santa Clara University professor Nancy Unger taught a class on the experiences of gays and lesbians in Colonial America.

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    Role of Gay Bars in American History

    Professor Nancy Unger talked about the role of gay bars in American history. Professor Unger* said that by the end of the 19th century, bars and clubs catering to homosexuals could be found in most major American cities.

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    Gays and Lesbians in Early 20th Century America

    Santa Clara University History Professor Nancy Unger talked about gays and lesbians in early 20th century America. Professor Unger said that prior to this time homosexuality was rarely discussed or even acknowledged, however, interest in Sigmund Freud and the new field of psychology brought sexuality into popular discussion. ... Professor Unger* argued that as a result, gay men and lesbians were considered deviants from this cultural ideal and became subject to prejudice and stereotyping.

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    Women's Rights Activist Belle La Follette

    Professor Nancy Unger talked about women's rights activist Belle La Follette, who was politically active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Professor Unger* is the author of Belle La Follette: Progressive Era Reformer, in which she tells the story of this journalist, suffragist, and pacifist who campaigned alongside her husband and son in their bids for office.

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    American Women in Environmental History

    Santa Clara University history professor Nancy Unger talked about the role of women in American environmental history, from the nineteenth century journeys across the prairies to the publication of Rachel Carson's seminal book, Silent Spring. Illustrating her talk with many images, Professor Unger* argued that women realized the dangers of unregulated exploitation of natural resources and were early advocates for conservation and protection of endangered species.