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Apachegila's MyC-SPAN

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    Coverage of House Democratic Gun Legislation Sit-In

    C-SPAN coverage of the House of Representatives' sit-in staged by House Democrats over gun control legislation included an Open Phones for viewer calls and social media comments, and a live news conference with House Democrats on the stairs of the U.S. Capitol. Tweets from members of Congress were shown alongside re-airs of Morning Hour speeches from earlier in the day. Live footage played from the House floor via Periscope and Facebook video feeds.

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    Open Phones on Gun Legislation Protes

    Telephone lines were open for viewer comments on a the sit-in staged by House Democrats over gun control legislation.

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    Open Phones on Gun Control Legislation

    Telephone lines were open for viewer comments after the Senate did not approve four procedural measures to limit debate and advance to final vote on gun control measures. In the wake of the June 12, 2016, mass shooting in Orlando, the Senate was considering gun control amendments that included proposed changes to the terrorist watchlist, universal background checks, and adding mental health considerations for gun purchases.

    A news briefing by Democratic senators from earlier in the day was show.

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    Senate Gun Control Legislation

    Todd Ruger reported by video from Capitol Hill about procedural votes being taken that day in the Senate votes on gun control amendments to the Commerce, Justice and Science spending bill.

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    Defense Spending Bill Amendments

    John Donnelly talked by video from Capitol Hill about key amendments to fiscal year 2017 defense spending legislation being debated on the House floor and the new House rules limiting amendments for spending bills for the rest of the year.

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    Thomas Jefferson and Election of 1800

    Andrew O’Shaughnessy talked about the election of 1800 and Thomas Jefferson’s “peaceful revolution.” He argued that the election was one of the most toxic in U.S. history and that it relied heavily on smear campaigns against candidates John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr.

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    Political Polarization

    Former government officials, academics, and journalists talked about the causes of political polarization in America and the erosion of bipartisanship in government. Panelists included Haley Barbour, Mike McCurry, and Bret Stephens.

    “The Politics of Polarization: Can Democracy Survive” was the fourth panel of “The People, the Presidency and the Press,” a marquee event at the George W. Bush Presidential Center on the SMU campus of a year-long centennial celebration by the Pulitzer Prize Board.

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    Puerto Rican Debt Relief Legislation

    Peter Schroeder talked by video from Capitol Hill about the Puerto Rican debt relief bill under consideration in the House.