Highlights This Weekend on American History TV August 18-20, 2018

by rlogan

C-SPAN3's American History TV 
8am Saturday - 8am Monday, August 18-20, 2018  


Saturday 10pm & Sunday 4pm ET 
Reel America: "Why We Fight: Divide & Conquer" - 1943 
The War Department produced seven films between 1942 and 1945 known as the "Why We Fight" series to explain the causes of World War II to U.S. troops. "Divide and Conquer" details military aggression by Germany after the 1939 invasion of Poland. Using animated maps, newsreels, and Nazi and U.S. Army footage, "Divide and Conquer" covers the German invasions of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and France. 


Saturday 11pm & Sunday 5pm ET 
World War I: Psychiatry & "Shell Shock" 
Historian Rachel Levandoski explains the psychological trauma and symptoms experienced by World War I soldiers and the lessons learned by military psychiatrists at the time. 


Sunday 10am ET 
Oral Histories: Women in Congress
We continue our eight-week series of interviews with former congresswomen. Eva Clayton served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1992 to 2003 -- the first African American woman to represent North Carolina in Congress. She talks about serving as president of the congressional freshman class, her Agriculture Committee assignment, and her focus on national hunger and nutrition legislation. The U.S. House of Representatives Office of the Historian conducted the interview.

Sunday 6:30pm & 10:30pm ET 
Desegregation of the U.S. Military
Author Rawn James and retired colonel Norma Jean Bradford discuss what led to President Harry Truman's 1948 executive order desegregating the U.S. military and its impact on African Americans.

American History TV. All weekend - every weekend. Only on C-SPAN3.