Bell Ringers
| Clip Of Life Portrait of Grover Cleveland

Bell Ringer: President Grover Cleveland - Biography


A brief summary of Grover Cleveland’s life and career.

5 minutes

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Describe Grover Cleveland’s character and work ethic. How did people perceive him?
  • What was his childhood like?
  • What work experience did he have? In which public offices did he serve?
  • Explain the concern that arose during his campaign for the election of 1884.
  • Who did Grover Cleveland marry? Describe their life in the White House during his terms.
  • What years did he serve as president?
  • How did he spend his years after the White House?
  • When did he die?



    • Baby Ruth
    • Reformer


    Executive Branch


    Middle SchoolHigh School