Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Dr. Clarence Newsome, President of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, talked about the center's mission, history, how it came to be, and the stories it tells.


Dr. Clarence Newsome talked about the center’s mission, history, how it came to be, and the stories it tells.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • What was the Underground Railroad?
  • Describe the purpose and some of the features of a “safe house.”
  • Explain the significance of the Ohio River.
  • Describe the purpose and the features of a slave pen.
  • Explain the story of Henry “Box’ Brown.



    • Frederick Douglass
    • Harriet Tubman
    • Henry Box Brown
    • Mason Dixon Line
    • Sojourner Truth


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesU.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity