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User-Created Content
By amoats
On July 23, 2020

Lesson Plan: The American South as a Vernacular Region

Why Study The South?

Professor Vernon Burton argues for "The South" to be studied as a distinctive region of the United States


Geographers organize areas of the earth that share similar characteristics into regions. These characteristics may be a part of the physical or cultural geography of a place. Formal, functional and vernacular features help geographers to define a region. One of the most celebrated, studied and on some accounts, critiqued regions of the United States is labeled “The South”. In this lesson, students will explore elements that create a vernacular region by specifically studying the “The South”.


  • Warm-up:

    Use the Types of Regions chart to complete the activity below as a warm-up exercise for learning.

    Handout: Types of Regions (Google Doc)

    1. On the Types of Regions chart, fill in the chief characteristics of formal, functional and vernacular regions.

    2. Work with a nearby peer to develop an example of each type of region not provided by the text or teacher.

    If this is new learning for students, use the chart as an organizer for notes and examples during direct instruction.

  • Introduction

    Review student content provided on the chart, add clarification and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their examples provided for each type of region. Explain that this lesson will focus on the characteristics of vernacular regions and how those characteristics work together to create perceptions about people and places within the region.

  • Introduction

    Review student content provided on the chart, add clarification and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their examples provided for each type of region. Explain that this lesson will focus on the characteristics of vernacular regions and how those characteristics work together to create perceptions about people and places within the region.

  • Exploration

    View each of the following clips below and answer the questions that follow. Use the questions to create a list of characteristics the speakers identify as making “The South” a unique vernacular region within the United States.

  • Video Clip: Why Study The South? (3:18)

    1. Why does Professor Burton suggest that The South should be studied as a distinct region?

    2. How does this support the idea of The South as a vernacular region?
  • Video Clip: Characteristics of The South (4:48)

    1. What are the reasons Professor Burton says there can’t be just one geographic South?

    2. What defining characteristics of The South are mentioned by Professor Burton?

    3. Why does he suggest kudzu and sweet tea are becoming poor identifiers of The South?

    4. Why do you think the prior quote by actress Sissy Spacek is significant relative to establishing The South as a vernacular region?

    5. How do people in The South view place and home differently than other regions? What supports this?
  • Video Clip: [Media’s Role in Defining The South](Media’s Role in Defining The South) (2:49)

    1. According to Professor Cox, how has popular media presented The South as a vernacular region?

    2. Why is this a problem according to Professor Cox?
  • Conclusion

    1. As an exit ticket, answer the questions below before the end of class.

    2. In what ways do vernacular regions differ from formal and functional regions?

    3. Do people living in vernacular regions view their region in the same way people living outside the region?

    4. Do all social groups and cultures living within the vernacular region view the region the same way?
  • Extension Activities

    Your Vernacular Region- What vernacular region (if any) would you place your community in? What characteristics do your community have that matches that vernacular region?

    **Mapping the South-" Using a blank map of the United States. Draw what you perceive to be the South. Be able to explain what areas you included and excluded.


  • Cartographer
  • Confederate
  • Ethnicity
  • Exceptionalism
  • Hillbilly
  • Kudzu
  • Location
  • Place
  • Redneck




High SchoolUniversity