Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Early 1900s Presidential Train Travel

Early 1900s Presidential Train Travel

Author Bob Withers talked about the trains that played a part in the presidencies Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. He’s the author of "The President Travels by Train: Politics and Pullmans." The George H.W. Bush Presidential Library hosted this virtual event.


Author Bob Withers talked about the trains that played a part in the presidencies Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. He’s the author of "The President Travels by Train: Politics and Pullmans." The George H.W. Bush Presidential Library hosted this virtual event.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • How did Theodore Roosevelt's presidency begin? How does Robert Holzweiss describe Roosevelt?
  • How far did Roosevelt travel by train as he campaigned for the Vice Presidency in 1900? How many speeches did he make?
  • Based on the clip, what were the benefits of presidential campaigning by train?
  • What were the drawbacks of presidential campaigning by train in the early and mid 1900s? What examples does Bob Withers provide?
  • What happened in 1906? Summarize Withers' anecdote from the presidency of Calvin Coolidge.
  • Why was Roosevelt learning forward in the stereoscopic image shown in the clip?

Additional Resources



    • Appropriation
    • Congress
    • Parlance
    • President
    • Sleeping Car
    • Stereoscopic Image
    • Whistlestop


    U.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity