Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Supreme Court Case - "Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission"

Background of Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

Christian baker Jack Phillips explains the origin of the Supreme Court case "Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission" which involved his business.


In 2012, Christian baker Jack Phillips was sued for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex wedding in Colorado. The case eventually reached the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Phillips talked about his legal battles and his First Amendment defense.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Clip #1: Explain the origin of the "Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission" Supreme Court case as Jack Phillips discussed.
  • Clip #1: Describe the other types of cakes that Jack Phillips stated his shop would not create.
  • Clip #2: How does the Romans 13 Bible verse relate to Jack Phillips' position in his case?
  • Clip #2: Explain the "rights of conscience" that Jack Phillips discussed.
  • Clip #2: According to Phillips, what is the distinction between freedom of religion and freedom of worship?
  • Clip #2: What was the focus of Jack Phillips' appeal in the court case?
  • Clip #2: How do the Denver court cases that Phillips describes relate to his case?
  • Clip #2: According to Phillips, what remarks were made by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that were painful to him?
  • Clip #2: What was the outcome of that appeal?
  • Clip #3: What was the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in this case?
  • Clip #3: Why did they rule in his favor?
  • Clip #3: Explain the free exercise clause as Jack Phillips described.

Additional Resources



    • 1st Amendment
    • Conscience
    • Holocaust
    • Inequity
    • Rhetoric
    • Romans 13
    • Violate


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesConstitutional FoundationJudicial BranchSupreme Court Cases


    High SchoolUniversity