Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Sharecropping and Reconstruction

Sharecropping and Reconstruction

Historian Edna Greene Medford discussed the system of sharecropping during Reconstruction as well as the role of freedmen in the economy after the Civil War.


Historian Edna Greene Medford discussed the system of sharecropping during Reconstruction as well as the role of freedmen in the economy after the Civil War.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Why do some historians argue that the system of sharecropping had to exist in the South during Reconstruction?
  • Describe why some African Americans were supportive of the sharecropping system.
  • Explain the problem with sharecropping according to Edna Greene Medford.
  • How did some freed people become economically independent during Reconstruction?
  • What is the "true tragedy" of Reconstruction according to Edna Greene Medford?



    • Andrew Johnson
    • Diversified Economy
    • Forty Acres And A Mule
    • Pardon
    • Reconstruction
    • Sharecropping


    U.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh School