Video Clip: Open Primary Elections


Former Representatives Jason Altmire (D-PA) and Tom Davis (R-VA) talked about the concept of open primaries. They explained how the process would work and possible opposition to this proposal.

2 minutes


  • Civility
  • Democrat
  • Electorate
  • Open Primary
  • Republican
  • Run-off Elections

Additional Resources

  • Lesson Plan: Political Polarization

    This lesson looks at the contributing factors for political polarization such as media consumption, demographic changes, levels of economic inequality and geography. It also has student analyze the impacts of this polarization in their own lives.

  • Lesson Plan: Improving How Congress Works

    This lesson has students research the effectiveness of Congress. Using proposed solutions for improving how Congress works, students will evaluate each proposal and develop a plan to fix it. Video clips of former and current members of Congress, journalists and professors are included. Topics include term limits, gerrymandering, primaries, earmarks, filibuster rules, lobbying, and campaign finance reform.