Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Texas v. Johnson- Flag Burning Case

Texas v. Johnson Flag-burning Case

Joey Johnson, a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party Youth Brigade, was the defendant in the Texas v. Johnson flag-burning case. In 1984 he was arrested for burning a flag at the Republican convention in Dallas. On June 23, 1989 the Supreme struck down the Texas law prohibiting desecration of the American flag.


Two clips regarding the Supreme Court case of Texas V Johnson - the flag burning case. Clip One provides background on the case, and Clip Two features defendant Gregory Lee Johnson's view on the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • How did the Supreme Court rule in "Texas v Johnson?"
  • How long did the case "Texas v Johnson" last?
  • How did President H.W. Bush respond to the Supreme Court decision?
  • What did Johnson describe happening when he filed to testify at the Senate committee hearing on the flag burning statute?
  • What is the difference between an amendment and a statute?
  • What groups were vocal in their opposition to flag burning?
  • Review the My Lai Massacre.
  • Who does Johnson state the he has a strong allegiance to which motivates him to burn the flag as a symbolic gesture.

Additional Resource



    • Fascism
    • Genocide
    • Indoctrination
    • National Convention
    • Political Dissenters
    • “ramboistic”


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesConstitutional FoundationJudicial BranchSupreme Court CasesU.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity