Bell Ringers
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User-Created Content
By rdegregorio
On July 26, 2018

Bell Ringer: Voter ID Laws

Types of Voter ID Laws outlined

examples include: voter identification same-day registration prior-felony voting rights


What are Voter Identification laws? In the past decade, many states have created or strengthened what are known as voter ID laws on the basis of increasing the security and integrity of the ballot. Some observers argue that these laws place restrictions on who can vote.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • According to Jennifer Clark, what types of reforms, limitations or restrictions are being proposed for voters in some states?
  • What is the outcome if a voter cannot produce one of the forms of acceptable identification at the ballot?
  • In clip #2, what are some activities cited by the caller that Americans are required to have identification to engage in?
  • Do you believe a person should have to produce identification to cast a vote? Why or why not?
  • Additional AP Gov Questions to Consider: How might opponents of voter identification laws argue that they run afoul of the 24th Amendment prohibition on poll taxes? How might proponents argue that it upholds the Baker v. Carr “one man, one vote” precedent? How might the efforts in states to impose voter identification laws have been impacted by the original terms of the Voting Rights Act (prior to the Shelby County v. Holder decision)? What party would most likely be most impacted by voter identification laws?