Bell Ringers
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User-Created Content
By kwregglesworth
On July 27, 2018

Bell Ringer: Cell Phones and the Fourth Amendment

Third-Party Doctrine

Definition of the third-party doctrine


Carpenter v. United States (2018) has changed the way law enforcement may access cellular data records that have been released to third-parties, such as the cellular providers.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • What is the third-party doctrine?
  • What are the facts of the Carpenter case?
  • How does the Carpenter case fit into the framework of Katz v. United States (1967)?
  • How did the Court describe the relationship between cell phones and the American people?
  • What was the argument of privacy advocates in the Carpenter case?
  • How is this ruling going to make it more difficult for law enforcement officials to gain access to cell phone location records?
  • Did the average American gain or lose rights based upon the Carpenter decision, in your opinion?

Additional Resources



    • 4th Amendment
    • Privacy
    • Third Party Doctrine


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesSupreme Court Cases


    High School