Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: The Decline of the Whig Party

Whigs and Republicans

Historian Charles Calhoun talked about the evolution of political parties and described the differences between Whigs and Republicans.


Historian Charles Calhoun talked about the evolution of the Whig Party and described the differences between Whigs and Republicans.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Describe the origins of the Whig Party.
  • Why did the Whig Party fall apart?
  • Explain the connection between the Whig Party and the Republican Party in the North.

Additional Resources



    • Andrew Jackson
    • Constituent
    • Henry Clay
    • Kansas-nebraska Act
    • Missouri Compromise
    • Political Party
    • Protective Tariff
    • Republicans
    • Temperance Movement
    • Whig
    • Winfred Scott


    Political PartiesU.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity