Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Ballot Measures and Direct Democracy

DIrect Democracy and Ballot Measures

The Hill National Correspondent Reid Wilson discusses ballot measures and ways that voters can participate directly in lawmaking.


The Hill National Correspondent Reid Wilson discusses ballot measures and ways that voters can participate directly in lawmaking. In the second clip, Mr. Wilson explains the influence of special interests on ballot measures and the process of referendums.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Describe the different ways that individual voters can use ballot measures to participate directly in democracy.
  • What types of issues are commonly included in these ballot measures? Why do state legislature use ballot measures to pass legislation?
  • From the second clip, how can special interest groups or professional associations get involved in ballot measures?
  • What is the referendum process in most states?

Additional Resources



    • Bond
    • Cash Bail
    • Direct Democracy
    • Initiative
    • Petition
    • Proposition
    • Referendum
    • Referred Amendment
    • Repeal
    • Special Interest Groups
    • State Constitution
    • State Legislatures


    Campaigns & ElectionsFederalism and State IssuesInterest Groups & Lobbying


    Middle SchoolUniversity