Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Birthright Citizenship and the Drafting of the 14th Amendment

Debate over the Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment

Garrett Epps, University of Baltimore Law professor, explained the discussions that the writers of the 14th Amendment had when drafting the 14th Amendment and the Citizenship Clause. He spoke about the intent of the drafters and the historical events that shaped their decisions at the time.


Garrett Epps, University of Baltimore Law professor, explained the discussions that the writers of the 14th Amendment had when drafting the 14th Amendment and the Citizenship Clause. He spoke about the intent of the drafters and the historical events that shaped their decisions at the time.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • During the drafting of the 14th Amendment, what was the central problem as described by Professor Epps?
  • Describe the trends in immigration occurring around the time of the 14th Amendment.
  • How did the writers of the 14th Amendment address immigration and citizenship? What was the reasoning behind this?
  • What is meant by "caste?" According to Professor Epps, how does the birthright citizenship prevent a caste system in the United States?

Additional Resources



    • 14th Amendment
    • Birthright Citizenship
    • Caste System
    • Census
    • Citizenship Clause
    • Civil War
    • Dred Scott V. Sanford
    • Fourteenth Amendment
    • Hereditary
    • Immigration
    • Reconstruction
    • Slavery


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesConstitutional FoundationU.S. History


    High SchoolUniversity