Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: LBJ's Great Society and War on Poverty

LBJ's Great Society and War on Poverty

Robert Woodson and Michael Lind talked about President Lyndon Johnson’s goal of promoting equality and ending poverty with the Civil Rights Act and the Economic Opportunity Act. Topics included progress made in fighting poverty, income disparity in the present, factors that contribute to poverty, and the effectiveness of social safety net programs.


Robert Woodson and Michael Lind talked about President Lyndon Johnson’s goal of promoting equality and ending poverty with the Civil Rights Act and the Economic Opportunity Act. Topics included progress made in fighting poverty, income disparity in the present, factors that contribute to poverty, and the effectiveness of social safety net programs.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • According to Robert Woodson and Michael Lind, how has society evolved since the 1960s?
  • How have faith-based solutions affected the issue of poverty?
  • How does Robert Woodson characterize his four categories of poverty?

Additional Resource



    • Converge
    • Great Depression
    • Incentive


    Social Services U.S. History


    High SchoolUniversity