Bell Ringers
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User-Created Content
By maureeml
On July 11, 2019

Bell Ringer: Native Americans of Colorado in Paleolithic and Archaic Periods

Paleo Native Americans

Sally Crum talked about her book People of the Red Earth: American Indians of Colorado, in which she provides a comprehensive history of native cultures in the area. Ms. Crum shared insight into how archaeologists conduct their work and date their findings.


Sally Crum talked about her book People of the Red Earth: American Indians of Colorado, in which she provides a comprehensive history of native cultures in the area. Ms. Crum shared insight into how archaeologists conduct their work and date their findings.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • According to Sally Crum, what types of shelter might the Paleo Native Americans have created?
  • What were some natural threats to Paleo Native Americans?
  • According to Sally Crum, what might the Paleo Native Americans ate?
  • What evidence does Sally Crum use to describe how Native Americans lived during the the Archaic period?

Additional Resources



    • Archaeology
    • Archaic Period
    • Evidence
    • Mega Fauna
    • Paleo Indians
    • Paleolithic
    • Pleistocene
    • Subterranean


    GeographyState HistoryU.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh School