12 Zachary Taylor

Life Facts

Zachary Taylor

1849 – 1850

Life Facts

A Mexican-American War hero, Zachary Taylor made it to the White House without being elected to any previous public office. Taylor earned the nickname “Old Rough and Ready” because he was often seen on the battlefield dressed in an old straw hat and rumpled linen coat.

He won the election of 1848 by just 36 electoral votes. Taylor brought his horse “Old Whitey” with him to Washington. Whitey was often seen grazing on the White House lawn. Despite being a Southern slave owner, Taylor sought to preserve the Union. During much of his short presidency, Taylor attempted to negotiate a delicate balance between slave and free states.

Taylor spent Independence Day of 1850 in the hot sun, listening to two hours of speeches on the grounds of the yet-unfinished Washington Monument. Returning to the White House, he reportedly drank iced milk and ate a bowl of cherries. As the day wore on, he developed severe intestinal cramps. Five days later, Taylor spoke his last words, “I am about to die. I expect the summons very soon. I have tried to discharge my duties faithfully. I regret nothing, but I am sorry that I am about to leave my friends.”

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