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After Words with Kaitlin Bell Barnett


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  • User Clip When and How Should We Medicate Kids

    User Clip: When and How Should We Medicate Kids?

    We should medicate kids who are seriously unhappy and dysfunctional. If other methods like therapy don't work, parents shouldn't let their kids suffer too long.

    User-created clip by kaitlinbell
    • 5 minutes
  • User Clip Do Meds Harm Kids

    User Clip: Do Meds Harm Kids?

    In addition to many physical side effects, some studies do show that medications could create near, worse mental health conditions in kids who take them. That's a scary thought.

    User-created clip by kaitlinbell
    • 2 minutes
  • User Clip Therapy and Medication

    User Clip: Therapy and Medication

    Most parents aren't jumping to medicate their kids and therapy is a good choice. The problem is, many kids resist therapy.

    User-created clip by kaitlinbell
    • 2 minutes
  • User Clip Side Effects and Research

    User Clip: Side Effects and Research

    It was a mistake to let fears about unlikely adverse effects of meds - like antidepressants causing suicidal thoughts in young people result in kids being prescribed more heavy-duty, antipsy…

    User-created clip by kaitlinbell
    • 1 minute
  • User Clip Med Checks

    User Clip: "Med Checks"

    Many psychiatrists aren't happy with quick in-and-out "med checks." They feel huge financial pressure and pressure from the insurance companies.

    User-created clip by kaitlinbell
    • 2 minutes
  • User Clip Take Kids Opinions About Their Meds Seriously

    User Clip: Take Kids' Opinions About Their Meds Seriously

    If parents decide to medicate their kids, they should stay flexible and try to make kids partners as much as possible in their own treatment.

    User-created clip by kaitlinbell
    • 48 seconds