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World War II Mike Hydeck


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    World War II Veterans' Stories

    Four veterans talked about their lives in the U.S. military and combat experiences during World War II. Participants includde veterans of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, Battle of the Bulge,…

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    World War II Veterans Discussion

    World War II veterans recalled their combat experiences and explained why it is important to continue discussions with students. This event was a part of the Friends of the National World Wa…

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    American World War II Orphans Network

    Members of the American World War II Orphans Network discuss their experiences after their fathers died and how they have coped with their losses. This panel was part of the Friends of the N…

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    World War II Memorial Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary

    Senator John McCain (R-AZ) provided keynote remarks the Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary Ceremony at the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Elliott Roosevelt III, the great-gran…

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    World War II Memorial Veterans Day Ceremony

    In honor of Veterans Day, the Friends of the National World War II Memorial co-hosted a ceremony with the National Park Service at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall. The keynote…