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Nevada Guy Rocha


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    U.S. Senator Key Pittman on Ice

    Retired State Archivist Guy Rocha talked about the story that U.S. Senator Key Pittman actually died before his last re-election and his body was kept on ice until after his victory was secu…

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    What Mark Twain Didn't Say

    Retired State Archivist Guy Rocha talked about some of the sayings attributed to Mark Twain for which there is no verification. This was one of the myths about Nevada that Mr. Rocha had coll…

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    Why Nevada Became a State

    Retired State Archivist Guy Rocha talked about some historical errors that were commonly taught about the history of Nevada. This was one of the myths about Nevada that Mr. Rocha had collect…

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    Are Workers Buried in the Hoover Dam?

    Retired State Archivist Guy Rocha talked about the legend that Hoover Dam contains the bodies of some of the construction workers. This was one of the myths about Nevada that Mr. Rocha had c…