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Amanda Williams


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    Allied Occupation of Japan Following World War II

    MacArthur Memorial education manager Amanda Williams examined General Douglas MacArthur’s management of the Allied occupation of Japan following the end of World War II. This was a virtual e…

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    U.S. Paratroopers and 1945 Recapture of Corregidor

    In 1945, Americans recaptured the Philippine island of Corregidor, at the mouth of the Manila Bay, which had been lost to the Japanese in 1942. Kevin Maurer talked about his book, “Rock Forc…

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    Jack Wilpers and Hideki Tojo Arrest

    On September 11, 1945, Army Officer Jack Wilpers and others barged into the home of former Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo to arrest him.  They found him bleeding from a gunshot wound in…

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    December 1941 Japanese Attack on the Philippines

    The December 7, 1941, Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor remains a “day that will live in infamy” to most Americans, but less well known is the devastating air attack just hours later on U.S. f…