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Vernon E. Jordan Jr.


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    Clinton '92 Campaign Reunion

    Former Bill Clinton presidential campaign staffers talked about their work for their candidate. Topics included his impact on the Democratic Party and African-American voters, and President …

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    Senate Session

    The Senate continued the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton with closing arguments by the president’s defense team. White House Counsel Mr. Charles Ruff argued that the case against…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,722 views
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    Welcoming Ceremony for Robert Reich

    The Department of Labor welcomed the new Secretary of Labor during a special ceremony. Robert Reich, Labor Secretary, spoke briefly about his plans for running the department .

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    Opening Ceremony for Inaugural Store

    Clinton presidential transition co-chairman Vernon Jordan spoke briefly and responded to questions from reporters in the ceremony to open the Clinton presidential inaugural store. The store …

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    Clinton Presidential Transition

    Mr. Jordan discussed issues surrounding the Clinton presidential transition, including Clinton campaign proposals, the appointments to Clinton’s presidential cabinet, and his presence on the…

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    Dinner Honoring Democratic Natl. Cmte. Chair

    Several figures in the Democratic Party spoke at a dinner honoring Ron Brown, chairman of the Democratic National Committee during the 1992 presidential campaign. Speakers included the wife …