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U.S. History John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation


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    Tulsa Race Massacre National Symposium - Caroline Randall Williams

    On May 31, 1921, tensions over the arrest of a young Black man for his interactions with a white woman led to an armed mob of white men marching on the predominantly African American Greenwo…

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    Tulsa Race Massacre National Symposium - Turkiya Lowe

    On May 31, 1921, tensions over the arrest of a young Black man for his interactions with a white woman led to an armed mob of white men marching on the predominantly African American Greenwo…

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    Scott Ellsworth, Author and Historian

    On May 31, 1921, tensions over the arrest of a young Black man for his interactions with a white woman led to an armed mob of white men marching on the predominantly African American Greenwo…