On This Day: Cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol Laid

"On September 18, 1793, George Washington laid the U.S. Capitol cornerstone at the southeast corner of its foundation to mark the building of the nation's most symbolically important and architecturally impressive building" (VisitTheCapitol.gov). Home to both chambers of the United States Congress since 1800, including the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Capitol building also previously held the Library of Congress until 1897 and the U.S. Supreme Court until 1935. Having undergone several expansion projects since its initial construction, the U.S. Capitol now covers over 1.5 million square feet, has over 600 rooms, and miles of corridors (Architect of the Capitol).

The U.S. Capitol Building and its Purpose

A look at the Capitol building and its purpose from its inception in the late 18th century through to today.