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Tracie Morris's MyC-SPAN

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    Presidential Candidate Donald Trump News Conference

    Donald Trump, the presumptive 2016 Republican presidential nominee, held a news conference at Trump Tower in New York City to release a list of veterans' organizations to which he had made financial donations or raised funds. During the news conference he also criticized the media, publisher Bill Kristol, and former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA).

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    White House Daily Briefing

    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest briefed reporters and responded to their questions on a variety of topics. He gave details about President Obama’s trip the next day to Elkhart, Indiana. Elkhart was the first city he visited as president and the trip would highlight the improvements in the economy since then. Other topics included Zika virus funding and growth in jobs and the economy.

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    Libertarians and Campaign 2016

    Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson talked about his candidacy, policy proposals, and the impact he hopes to make in the 2016 election.

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    Jack Hitt on Flying Cars

    Jack Hitt talked about recent advances in technology that could lead to the development of flying cars.

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    State Department Daily Briefing

    The State Department daily briefing began with Undersecretary Catherine Novelli and Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel briefing reporters and responding to their questions on the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) that Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew would be attending in Beijing, China, in June 2016. They covered topics such as climate change policy and combating the ivory trade. Then John Kirby briefed reporters and responded to their questions on a variety of other international topics.

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    Food Nutrition Labeling

    Richard Williams talked about his concerns with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) redesign of food nutrition labels. He assisted in the creation of the original label, which he says was not able to change consumers' eating habits.