Senate Passes Foreign Aid Package 79-18
House Session - July 21, 1993

After morning business and one-minute speeches, the House took up debate on a bill to end Most Favored Trade Status for China, which was up for review each year since it had been enacted in 1980. Since the violent confrontation in Tiananmen Square, there had been increasing opposition to continuing the status. Next was the consideration of President Clinton’s National Trust proposal to establish a national service program. Participants in the program could earn up to $5000 for each term of service not to exceed 1,700 hours and can participate in no more than 2 terms. After the debate and vote, the House resumed Special Order speeches.

9:58AM - 10:50PM ETHouse Session

    118th Congress - House
    Total Hours: 891 (After 480 days)
    • Debate311 Hours
    • Special Orders144 Hours
    • Votes181 Hours
    • One Minute Speeches68 Hours
    • Morning Hour75 Hours
    • Opening Procedures6 Hours

    Click a category within the legend to toggle its visibility.

    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (