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The Chinese in America, Part 2


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  • Chinese during the California Gold Rush

    Chinese during the California Gold Rush

    Historian Charlie Chin visited San Francisco’s Chinatown and told the story of the Chinese during the California Gold Rush.

    C-SPAN clip by tgrane
    • 2 minutes
  • Chinese Involvement in Westward Expansion

    Chinese Involvement in Westward Expansion

    Historian Charlie Chin talked about westward expansion in the U.S. and the role of the Chinese people in its development.

    C-SPAN clip by mcgorry
    • 8 minutes
  • Chinese Arrive in California in 1848

    Chinese Arrive in California in 1848

    Historian Charlie Chin explains the arrival of the Chinese people to California in 1848. He talks about their experiences during the gold rush and how they settled in the area.

    C-SPAN clip by mcgorry
    • 5 minutes
  • Chinese Population in America

    Chinese Population in America

    Historian Charlie Chin explained the Chinese population in America based on the 2010 census.

    C-SPAN clip by mcgorry
    • 2 minutes
  • User Clip Historian Charlie Chin Talks About Chinese Migrant Laborers and AntiChinese Sentiment in the 19th Century

    User Clip: Historian Charlie Chin Talks About Chinese Migrant Laborers and Anti-Chinese Sentiment in the 19th Century

    Historian Charlie Chin gives a brief background on the history of Chinese migrant laborers in the 19th century, and how anti-Chinese sentiment grew during the period. This led to the passing…

    • 3 minutes