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Republican National Convention, Day 3


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  • User Clip Ohio Mormons invocation at Republican National Convention

    User Clip: Ohio Mormon's invocation at Republican National Convention

    A member of the Kirtland Ohio Stake presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said the invocation Wednesday at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

    • 2 minutes
  • Senator Ted Cruz Declines to Endorse Donald Trump

    Senator Ted Cruz Declines to Endorse Donald Trump

    As the crowd chants, "endorse Trump," Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) congratulates Republican nominee Donald Trump, but stops short of giving him his endorsement. He says, "Please, don't stay home …

    C-SPAN clip by chillyard
    • 24 minutes
  • Laura Ingraham Calls on Former GOP Candidates to Support Donald Trump

    Laura Ingraham Calls on Former GOP Candidates to Support Donald Trump

    In her remarks at the Republican National Convention, radio host Laura Ingraham criticizes former presidential candidates who have refused to support nominee Donald Trump, saying, "We should…

    C-SPAN clip by chillyard
    • 18 minutes
  • Governor Mike Pence Accepts GOP Vice Presidential Nomination

    Governor Mike Pence Accepts GOP Vice Presidential Nomination

    Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) accepted his party's vice presidential nomination. He discusses his upbringing, his family, and his values, saying, "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republi…

    C-SPAN clip by chillyard
    • 35 minutes
  • Senator Marco Rubio Delivers Video Message to Republican National Convention

    Senator Marco Rubio Delivers Video Message to Republican National Convention

    In a video message to the Republican Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) says, "After a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting each other is over."

    C-SPAN clip by chillyard
    • 1 minute
  • User Clip Neal Katz loves Sweet Caroline

    User Clip: Neal Katz loves Sweet Caroline!

    CollinGOP Executive Director Neal Katz belts out Sweet Caroline at the RNC Convention

    • 51 seconds
  • Newt Gingrich Discusses National Security Reacts to Ted Cruzs Remarks

    Newt Gingrich Discusses National Security, Reacts to Ted Cruz's Remarks

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingirch talks about threats facing the U.S. and warns, "Every American should be terrified by the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency." He also suggests the c…

    C-SPAN clip by chillyard
    • 15 minutes
  • Eric Trump EVP of the Trump Organization

    Eric Trump, EVP of the Trump Organization

    Eric Trump spoke about his support for his father, Donald Trump, saying "It is time for a president with common sense." He also discussed the reasons his father decided to run for office and…

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 15 minutes
  • The Trump Family I Know Video

    "The Trump Family I Know" Video

    A video was shown profiling the next speaker, Lynne Patton. Ms. Patton is vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation, and in the video she speaks about her personal relationship with the Tr…

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 3 minutes
  • Governor Scott Walker Calls for Unity Against  Hillary Clinton

    Governor Scott Walker Calls for Unity Against Hillary Clinton

    Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) calls for Republicans to unite against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. "Let me be clear: a vote for anyone other than Donald Trump in November is a vote f…

    C-SPAN clip by chillyard
    • 10 minutes
  • Darrell Scott Pastor

    Darrell Scott, Pastor

    Pastor Darrell Scott spoke about Donald Trump's qualifications for the presidency, calling him both a "patriot" and a "master negotiator and deal maker."

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 7 minutes
  • User Clip My Father Donald Trump Video

    User Clip: "My Father Donald Trump" Video

    A video was shown of Ivanka Trump , Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. speaking about their father and the qualities that make him an effective leader.

    • 3 minutes
  • User Clip Best Two Minutes of the 2016 GOP Convention

    User Clip: Best Two Minutes of the 2016 GOP Convention

    Laura Ingram is spot on calling out our president and the media as our enemies. Each should serve the people that elect them and provide their bandwidth.

    • 2 minutes
  • Lynne Patton The Eric Trump Foundation

    Lynne Patton, The Eric Trump Foundation

    Lynne Patton spoke about her support for Donald Trump and the relationship with the Trump family. She said "He knows that my life matters, he knows that LGBTQ lives matter, he knows that vet…

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 5 minutes
  • Attorney General Pam Bondi Florida

    Attorney General Pam Bondi (Florida)

    Attorney General Bondi praised Donald Trump saying he would restore the "rule of law" in America and "appoint conservative justices who will defend, rather than rewrite, our Constitution."

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 7 minutes
  • Governor Rick Scott Florida

    Governor Rick Scott (Florida)

    Governor Scott (R-FL) talked about the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, and the threat of Islamic extremism. He also criticized Democrats, saying they "have not led us to a crossroads, the…

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 7 minutes
  • Phil Ruffin Trump Business Partner

    Phil Ruffin, Trump Business Partner

    Mr. Ruffin spoke about being Donald Trump's friend and business partner, saying "his handshake is better than any contract you can write."

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 6 minutes
  • Eileen Collins Astronaut

    Eileen Collins, Astronaut

    Colonel Eileen Collins (Ret.) spoke about her experiences as an astronaut. She also called on Americans to vote for Donald Trump, saying "We need leadership that will make America great agai…

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 4 minutes
  • Archbishop Demetrios Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

    Archbishop Demetrios, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

    Archbishop Demetrios of America delivered the benediction at the closing of Day 3 of the 2016 Republican National Convention.

    C-SPAN clip by cspanvl
    • 5 minutes
  • User Clip Abby Paskvan

    User Clip: Abby Paskvan

    National Anthem

    User-created clip by Abby Paskvan
    • 2 minutes
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