Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Life

Gerald Martin talked about the life and career of Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Mr. Marquez was a political activist and Nobel … read more

Gerald Martin talked about the life and career of Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Mr. Marquez was a political activist and Nobel Prize winner who was the author of One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera. Mr. Marquez’s style of writing is considered to be the prime example of the genre of magical realism. Following his remarks, Mr. Martin answered questions from the audience.

Gerald Martin is the author of Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Life (Knopf; May 5, 2009). close

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  • Gerald Martin Professor Emeritus University of Pittsburgh->Modern Languages

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Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Life

Program ID:
Public Affairs Event
San Francisco, California, United States
First Aired:
Aug 08, 2009 | 6:59pm EDT | C-SPAN 2

Airing Details

  • Aug 08, 2009 | 6:59pm EDT | C-SPAN 2
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Life

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