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Michael McCaul


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    House Session, Part 1

    The House convened for a legislative session. They held a few procedural votes then went into recess.

    View in Congressional Chronicle6,803 views
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    Immigration and Border Security

    Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on President Obama’s executive action on immigration. Secretary Johnson defended the presiden…

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    House Homeland Security Committee Field Hearing on Ebola, Part 1

    The House Homeland Security Committee held a field hearing at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on responding to the Ebola virus and coordination between federal, state, and local offi…

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    House Homeland Security Committee Field Hearing on Ebola, Part 3

    The House Homeland Security Committee held a field hearing at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on responding to the Ebola virus and coordination between federal, state, and local offi…

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    House Homeland Security Committee Field Hearing on Ebola, Introduction

    The House Homeland Security Committee held a field hearing at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on responding to the Ebola virus and coordination between federal, state, and local offi…

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    Global Terrorist Threats

    Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey, and National Counterterrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen testified at a House Homeland…

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    Secretary Kerry on U.S. Strategy Against Terrorists

    Secretary John Kerry testified at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on President Obama’s announced strategy for battling Islamic State* militants in Syria and Iraq. He announced that…

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    House Session

    Following one minute speeches, the House debated a resolution (H Res 726) that expresses support by the House for Ukraine and condemns the military aggression by Russia against that country.…

    View in Congressional Chronicle2,085 views
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    Domestic Threat by Western Terrorists

    Officials from the Department of Homeland Security and Department of State testified at a House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing on the threat posed by ISIL* terrorists with western pa…

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    Boston Marathon Bombings Anniversary Review

    Law enforcement officials who responded to the Boston Marathon bombings testified at a House Homeland Security hearing titled, “The Boston Marathon Bombings, One Year On: A Look Back to Look…

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    U.S.-Taliban Prisoner Exchange

    Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Defense Department General Counsel Stephen Preston testified on the release of five Taliban detainees in exchange for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Secret…

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    National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Report 10th Anniversary

    Bipartisan Policy Center and the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks released a report on the 10th anniversary of the original commission report. The new report examined threats to the …

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    House Session, Part 1

    The House convened for a legislative session. Republican leaders cancelled a vote on emergency supplemental funding legislation to address the influx of Central American immigrant children a…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,787 views
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    House Session, Part 1

    The House debated 16 bills under suspension of the rules. A two-thirds majority was needed for passage.

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,356 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House debated several bills, including one requiring the Homeland Security Department to lay out parameters for the opening of pre-clearance facilities and customs services outside the U…

    View in Congressional Chronicle506 views
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    Unaccompanied Immigrant Children

    Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and Customs and Border Patrol officials testified on ways to respond to the influx of unaccompanied immigra…

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    U.S.-Mexico Relations

    State Department officials testified at a hearing on U.S.-Mexico security and trade cooperation. Topics included the high rates of weapons smuggled from the U.S. to Mexico, and drug traffick…

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    Boko Haram and Nigerian Schoolgirls Abduction

    State and Defense Department officials testified on the threat of Boko Haram in the wake of the militant Islamist group’s abduction of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls. Sarah Sewell called on Nigeri…

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    LAX Shooting and Airport Emergency Response

    Officials from Los Angeles World Airports (LAX), the Transportation Security Administration and the American Federation of Government Employees testified at a field hearing at LAX on prepari…

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    U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Ukraine

    Officials from the State and Treasury Departments and the U.S. Agency for International Development testified on steps being taken by the Obama administration to impose tougher sanctions on …

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