C-SPAN Schedule

< Monday, November 16 >

All times and durations are subject to change

12:00 AM EST Approx. 7 hr. Public Affairs Events Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. 12:00 AM EST Approx. 6 hr. Book TV Non-fiction books and authors. Non-fiction books and authors. 12:00 AM EST Approx. 6 hr. 57 min. American History TV People and events that help document the American Story. People and events that help document the American Story.
07:00 AM EST Approx. 3 hr. 1 min. LIVE Washington Journal 11/16/2020 06:00 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. Nancy Grace, "Don't Be a Victim" Legal commentator Nancy Grace provided a guide on how citizens can protect themselves and avoid ... Legal commentator Nancy Grace provided a guide on how citizens can protect themselves and avoid becoming a victim of crime. This virtual event was hosted by the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta and the National JCC Literary Consortium. 06:57 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 4 min. Former Senator Sam Nunn D-Georgia - the Cold War at 75 The Georgia Historical Society's senior historian Stan Deaton interviewed former U.S. Senator Sam ... The Georgia Historical Society's senior historian Stan Deaton interviewed former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn about the Cold War 75 years after it began. Senator Nunn served from 1972 to 1997 as a Democrat from Georgia, and as Senate Armed Services Committee chair from 1987 to 1995. In 2001, he co-founded the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Senator Nunn reflected on his experience during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the leadership of presidents from Harry Truman to George H.W. Bush, foreign leaders who influenced events during the Cold War years, as well as the continuing threat of nuclear war.
10:01 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 2 min. LIVE Discussion on Middle East Policy Under Biden Presidency The Middle East Institute hosts a discussion on the incoming Biden presidency and future relations ... The Middle East Institute hosts a discussion on the incoming Biden presidency and future relations in the region. 07:00 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. Philip Gordon, "Losing the Long Game" Philip Gordon, former White House Coordinator for the Middle East under President Obama, talked ... Philip Gordon, former White House Coordinator for the Middle East under President Obama, talked about failed U.S. efforts at regime change in the Middle East since the end of World War Two. This virtual event was hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations. 08:01 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 44 min. 1918 Flu Pandemic The 1918 flu pandemic altered American life in ways that are familiar to those living through the ... The 1918 flu pandemic altered American life in ways that are familiar to those living through the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Conflicting information left people wary and fearful, college classes were held outside, sports were cancelled, masks were challenged as un-American and fines imposed on those who refused to wear them. Christopher McKnight Nichols recounted how the country experienced the events of a century ago and the lessons we might learn. He directs Oregon State University's Center for the Humanities. The Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University in Dallas hosted this event and provided the video.
11:03 AM EST Approx. 29 min. NASA TV Coverage of SpaceX Launch News Conference C-SPAN broadcasts NASA TV's coverage of the news conference following the SpaceX launch of the ... C-SPAN broadcasts NASA TV's coverage of the news conference following the SpaceX launch of the Crew-1 mission from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida to the International Space Station. Top officials at NASA and SpaceX expressed their happiness over the successful launch and took questions from media. 08:00 AM EST Approx. 33 min. The Communicators Tech & Election 2020 This week on "The Communicators", Washington, DC-based tech reporters discussed the ways the ... This week on "The Communicators", Washington, DC-based tech reporters discussed the ways the outcomes of the 2020 election will affect the tech and telecommunications industries, including data privacy, social media, and the FCC. 09:45 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 2 min. Leprosy Treatment & Stigma Author and National Public Radio correspondent Pam Fessler discussed her book, "Carville's Cure: ... Author and National Public Radio correspondent Pam Fessler discussed her book, "Carville's Cure: Leprosy, Stigma, and the Fight for Justice." It looks at the history of the residential hospital for Americans with leprosy in Carville, Louisiana which began operation in 1894 and closed in 1999. The Kansas City Library Public Library hosted the program and provided the video.
11:32 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 3 min. LIVE Maryland Gov. Hogan Discussion on Direction of Republican Party Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) joins a discussion on the direction of the Republican Party hosted ... Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) joins a discussion on the direction of the Republican Party hosted by the Reagan Institute. 08:33 AM EST Approx. 30 min. NASA TV Coverage of SpaceX Launch News Conference C-SPAN broadcasts NASA TV's coverage of the news conference following the SpaceX launch of the ... C-SPAN broadcasts NASA TV's coverage of the news conference following the SpaceX launch of the Crew-1 mission from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida to the International Space Station. Top officials at NASA and SpaceX expressed their happiness over the successful launch and took questions from media. 10:47 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 8 min. Lectures in History Polio Epidemic in the United States Davidson College professor Sally McMillen talked about the polio epidemic in the United States in ... Davidson College professor Sally McMillen talked about the polio epidemic in the United States in the early to mid-20th century. Fear of contracting polio grew following a series of outbreaks, including one in 1916 that started in Brooklyn, New York, and eventually killed more than 6,000 people. She also spoke about the efforts of President Franklin Roosevelt to help find a cure, in part by starting the March of Dimes organization.
12:35 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 16 min. Drs. Anthony Fauci & Francis Collins Discuss the Coronavirus Response National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and National ... National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins participated in a discussion at Washington National Cathedral on the coronavirus response and the progress of a vaccine by the end of the year. Other questions focused on the surge in positive cases around the country, public health warnings for gathering during the Thanksgiving holiday, distrust between people of color and science experiments, and U.S. engagement with the World Health Organization under a Biden administration. 09:03 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 45 min. Campaign 2020 Rally for President Trump in Washington, DC President Trump's supporters gathered at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, for a "March for Trump" ... President Trump's supporters gathered at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, for a "March for Trump" rally. Speakers included a range of conservative activists and elected officials talking about their support for the president, challenging the election results, and criticisms of the media. 11:55 AM EST Approx. 58 min. Reel America "We Heard the Bells, The Influenza of 1918" Commissioned by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, this 2010 documentary includes ... Commissioned by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, this 2010 documentary includes survivors of the 1918 flu telling their stories, a history of the pandemic, and a look at the science of flu and the genetic sequencing of the 1918 strain based on remnants of the virus extracted from frozen bodies under Alaskan permafrost. The 1918 influenza pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, including more than 600,000 Americans.
01:51 PM EST Approx. 3 min. Rep.-Elect Byron Donalds on the 117th Congress Representative-elect Byron Donalds (R-FL) spoke briefly to reporters about his priorities for the ... Representative-elect Byron Donalds (R-FL) spoke briefly to reporters about his priorities for the 117th Congress as newly elected members begin orientation on Capitol Hill. Mr. Donalds won Florida's 19th Congressional District open seat by defeating Democratic candidate Cindy Banyai. He succeeds Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL), who decided not to run for reelection. 10:48 AM EST Approx. 42 min. Hoover Institution Discussion on China Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell delivered keynote ... Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell delivered keynote remarks on U.S. relations with China at a virtual event hosted by the Hoover Institution. He talked about China's influence around the globe, their authoritarian approach to leadership, China's lack of reciprocity with other countries, and how the United States is countering them. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave introductory remarks. 12:53 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 8 min. Historical Perspectives on Pandemics Historians discussed previous global pandemics such as cholera, typhoid, and smallpox. They ... Historians discussed previous global pandemics such as cholera, typhoid, and smallpox. They examined preventative measures, spread, and how the diseases affected different populations. This video was provided by the Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research.
01:54 PM EST Approx. 5 min. Rep.-Elect Jamaal Bowman on the 117th Congress Representative-elect Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) spoke briefly to reporters about his priorities for the ... Representative-elect Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) spoke briefly to reporters about his priorities for the 117th Congress as newly elected members began orientation on Capitol Hill. He won New York's 16th Congressional District, which includes part of the Bronx and Westchester County. In July, Mr. Bowman defeated 16-term incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) in the 2020 Democratic primary. 11:30 AM EST Approx. 33 min. LIVE Washington Post Discussion with Rep. Ilhan Omar Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) participates a discussion with the Washington Post about the 2020 election ... Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) participates a discussion with the Washington Post about the 2020 election and progressive legislative goals for the 117th Congress. 02:01 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 43 min. 1918 Flu Pandemic The 1918 flu pandemic altered American life in ways that are familiar to those living through the ... The 1918 flu pandemic altered American life in ways that are familiar to those living through the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Conflicting information left people wary and fearful, college classes were held outside, sports were cancelled, masks were challenged as un-American and fines imposed on those who refused to wear them. Christopher McKnight Nichols recounted how the country experienced the events of a century ago and the lessons we might learn. He directs Oregon State University's Center for the Humanities. The Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University in Dallas hosted this event and provided the video.
01:59 PM EST Approx. 16 min. LIVE U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. 12:03 PM EST Approx. 43 min. Former Education Secretaries & Others Speak at Reagan Institute Education Summit The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute hosted their annual education summit. This ... The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute hosted their annual education summit. This portion of the event was a panel discussion featuring former Education Secretaries Arne Duncan and Margaret Spellings. They discussed the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on student learning and the educational system. Other speakers included PBS President and CEO Paula Kerger and Smithsonian African American History Museum Interim Director Spencer Crew. 03:44 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 3 min. Leprosy Treatment & Stigma Author and National Public Radio correspondent Pam Fessler discussed her book, "Carville's Cure: ... Author and National Public Radio correspondent Pam Fessler discussed her book, "Carville's Cure: Leprosy, Stigma, and the Fight for Justice." It looks at the history of the residential hospital for Americans with leprosy in Carville, Louisiana which began operation in 1894 and closed in 1999. The Kansas City Library Public Library hosted the program and provided the video.
02:15 PM EST Approx. 32 min. Washington Post Discussion with Rep. Ilhan Omar Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual ... Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual discussion hosted by the Washington Post about the results of the 2020 election and progressive priorities for the 117th Congress. Rep. Omar talked about the impact of President Trump's attacks on her and other minority women throughout his presidency and expressed hope for the incoming Biden administration. She also talked about differences between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic party, criticizing the campaign strategies of moderate candidates Conner Lamb, (D-PA) Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Alyssa Slotkin (D-MI). 12:46 PM EST Approx. 43 min. Washington Journal Max Stier Partnership for Public Services' Max Stier discussed the work of the group's Center for ... Partnership for Public Services' Max Stier discussed the work of the group's Center for Presidential Transition and its role in this and previous presidential transitions. 04:47 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 9 min. Lectures in History Polio Epidemic in the United States Davidson College professor Sally McMillen talked about the polio epidemic in the United States in ... Davidson College professor Sally McMillen talked about the polio epidemic in the United States in the early to mid-20th century. Fear of contracting polio grew following a series of outbreaks, including one in 1916 that started in Brooklyn, New York, and eventually killed more than 6,000 people. She also spoke about the efforts of President Franklin Roosevelt to help find a cure, in part by starting the March of Dimes organization.
02:47 PM EST Approx. 26 min. Maryland Gov. Hogan Discussion on Direction of Republican Party Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) joined the Ronald Reagan Institute for a discussion on the direction ... Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) joined the Ronald Reagan Institute for a discussion on the direction of the Republican Party. The Republican governor who was serving his second term in a heavily Democratic state talked about how the Republican Party can reach out to the moderate electorate that he believes makes up the majority of the country. "We cannot afford to continue to perpetuate toxic politics," he said while making the case for Republicans to start pushing pragmatic, big-tent politics to appeal to more voters. 01:29 PM EST Approx. 32 min. Washington Journal LaTosha Brown Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown discussed the role black voters- particularlykblack ... Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown discussed the role black voters- particularlykblack women - played in Campaign 2020. 05:56 PM EST Approx. 58 min. Reel America "We Heard the Bells, The Influenza of 1918" Commissioned by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, this 2010 documentary includes ... Commissioned by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, this 2010 documentary includes survivors of the 1918 flu telling their stories, a history of the pandemic, and a look at the science of flu and the genetic sequencing of the 1918 strain based on remnants of the virus extracted from frozen bodies under Alaskan permafrost. The 1918 influenza pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, including more than 600,000 Americans.
03:13 PM EST Approx. 35 min. LIVE Campaign 2020 President-Elect Biden & Vice President-Elect Harris in Wilmington, DE President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris deliver remarks in Wilmington, ... President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris deliver remarks in Wilmington, Delaware on the economy. 02:01 PM EST Approx. 44 min. Washington Journal Karin Lips Karin Lips, President of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW), discussed how Republican women ... Karin Lips, President of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW), discussed how Republican women candidates and incumbents fared in this year's General Election. 06:54 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 9 min. Historical Perspectives on Pandemics Historians discussed previous global pandemics such as cholera, typhoid, and smallpox. They ... Historians discussed previous global pandemics such as cholera, typhoid, and smallpox. They examined preventative measures, spread, and how the diseases affected different populations. This video was provided by the Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research.
03:48 PM EST Approx. 13 min. Washington Journal Open Phones 2 Viewer calls. Viewer calls. 02:45 PM EST Approx. 14 min. Washington Journal Bob Cusack Bob Cusack, editor in chief of The Hill newspaper, discussed how the Nov. 3 election will impact ... Bob Cusack, editor in chief of The Hill newspaper, discussed how the Nov. 3 election will impact the next Congress. 08:03 PM EST Approx. 9 min. Al Gore Concession Speech In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one ... In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one of the most highly contested races in U.S. history. The outcome was not decided until five weeks after voters went to the polls, when the U.S. Supreme Court stopped a Florida recount. This ultimately awarded the state's electoral votes -- and the presidency -- to Governor Bush. This is Vice President Gore's concession speech from December 13, 2000. It took place at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC.
04:01 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 25 min. LIVE U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. 02:59 PM EST Approx. 3 hr. 43 min. LIVE U.S. Senate U.S. Senate Senators will debate the nomination of Kristi Haskins Johnson, of Mississippi, to be US District ... Senators will debate the nomination of Kristi Haskins Johnson, of Mississippi, to be US District Court judge for the Southern District of Mississippi, with a vote to limit debate at 5:30pm ET. 08:12 PM EST Approx. 13 min. Gov. George W. Bush Victory Speech In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one ... In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one of the most highly contested races in U.S. history. The outcome was not decided until five weeks after voters went to the polls, when the U.S. Supreme Court stopped a Florida recount. This ultimately awarded the state's electoral votes -- and the presidency -- to Governor Bush. This is President-elect Bush's victory speech from December 13, 2000. It took place in the Texas House of Representatives chamber in Austin.
05:26 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 3 min. Discussion on Middle East Policy Under Biden Presidency Former ambassadors and foreign policy experts discussed the incoming Biden presidency and the ... Former ambassadors and foreign policy experts discussed the incoming Biden presidency and the future of Middle East policy. Several topics were discussed including U.S. relations with Turkey and Lebanon, the impact of the recent peace deals with Israel, and U.S. military presence in the Middle East. At the conclusion of the event, the panel gave recommendations on what the incoming Biden administration should focus on over the next term. 06:42 PM EST Approx. 10 min. U.S. Senate McConnell Critical of Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell talked about the U.S. response to the Coronavirus pandemic, ... Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell talked about the U.S. response to the Coronavirus pandemic, and went on to credit President Trump for lower troop levels in the Middle East, but said a rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan now would hurt our allies and embolden the Taliban. 08:25 PM EST Approx. 14 min. Ross Perot Concession Speech Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot spoke to supporters at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in ... Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot spoke to supporters at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in Dallas on the evening of election day, shortly after early returns projected a victory by Democratic presidential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton. Mr. Perot honored his supporters for creating a political movement, and after dancing with his wife and daughters to "Crazy," Mr. Perot congratulated Gov. Clinton for his victory, and urged his supporters to work together to improve the country. Following his remarks, Mr. Perot posed for photos with his families, and introduced his running mate Adm. James Stockdale. At the end of the rally coverage, Mr. Perot held up a bumper sticker reading, "Perot in '96."
06:29 PM EST Approx. 59 min. U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. 06:52 PM EST Approx. 9 min. U.S. Senate Schumer on Fed Nominee, COVID & Election Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer reiterated his opposition to President Trump's nominee for ... Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer reiterated his opposition to President Trump's nominee for the Federal Reserve board, Judy Shelton, and criticized the Trump Administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic as well as refusing to begin the presidential transition after the losing the November election vote. Sen. Schumer called President Trump's unwillingness to concede "reckless," and criticized Senators who are sanctioning his efforts, saying "President Trump is shredding trust in our democracy." 08:39 PM EST Approx. 10 min. George H.W. Bush Concession Speech President Bush spoke to supporters at the Bush/Quayle campaign headquarters in the Westin Galleria ... President Bush spoke to supporters at the Bush/Quayle campaign headquarters in the Westin Galleria Hotel in Houston after election returns indicated that Gov. Clinton won the election. Arising to the podium to cheers of "Thank you, George!" the president urged his supporters to stand behind the new president, and thanked key people in his campaign including former Secy. of State James Baker and his wife, Barbara. Following his remarks, the president and his wife waved to supporters from the stage.
07:28 PM EST Approx. 8 min. Washington Journal Open Phones Viewer calls. Viewer calls. 07:01 PM EST Approx. 18 min. U.S. Senate Sens. Leahy & Moran on Coronavirus Aid In separate speeches, Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) each talked about the ... In separate speeches, Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) each talked about the need for coronavirus aid. Sen. Leahy urged his colleagues to approve the House-passed Heroes Act, and Sen. Moran favored a narrower bill. 08:49 PM EST Approx. 18 min. Bill Clinton Victory Speech Democratic presidential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton spoke to supporters shortly after returns ... Democratic presidential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton spoke to supporters shortly after returns projected a Clinton presidential victory at a rally outside the Old Statehouse in Little Rock. Following warmly received introductions of the Clinton family and the family of his running mate Sen. Al Gore, Gov. Clinton noted the voters' call for a new beginning, and thanked his family and supporters for their help in the campaign. He also briefly discussed issues in his election agenda, and professed his belief in "a place called Hope."} Sen. Gore thanked his family and supporters for their aid in the campaign, honored his running mate's agenda, and pledged to change the country. Following his remarks, Gov. Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Gore, and Tipper Gore shook hands with supporters in the crowd as the PA played "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac.
07:36 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 39 min. LIVE U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. The U.S. House returns for legislative business for the first time since the Nov. 4 elections. 07:19 PM EST Approx. 10 min. U.S. Senate Sen. Cornyn on Coronavirus Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) says that Americans have "virus fatigue" and are letting their guard ... Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) says that Americans have "virus fatigue" and are letting their guard down, and cases are rising as a result. He notes the early successul trials of vaccines and hopes that they will be ready for the general public soon. He thanks frontline workers talks about the need to treat mental health issues. 09:07 PM EST Approx. 14 min. Bob Dole Concession Speech Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole thanked supporters, family and staff members and ... Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole thanked supporters, family and staff members and conceded defeat in the 1996 election.
09:15 PM EST Approx. 35 min. Campaign 2020 President-Elect Biden & Vice President-Elect Harris in Wilmington, DE President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke about their economic ... President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke about their economic recovery plans in Wilmington, Delaware. Their remarks came after a meeting with business and labor leaders. During the news conference, President-elect Biden also warned that if the Trump administration does not coordinate soon with the Biden-Harris team concerning vaccine distribution plans, more people could die. Other topics discussed included global trade, student loan debt forgiveness and working with Republicans to get things done. 07:29 PM EST Approx. 31 min. Washington Post Discussion with Rep. Ilhan Omar Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual ... Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual discussion hosted by the Washington Post about the results of the 2020 election and progressive priorities for the 117th Congress. Rep. Omar talked about the impact of President Trump's attacks on her and other minority women throughout his presidency and expressed hope for the incoming Biden administration. She also talked about differences between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic party, criticizing the campaign strategies of moderate candidates Conner Lamb, (D-PA) Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Alyssa Slotkin (D-MI). 09:21 PM EST Approx. 25 min. Bill Clinton Victory Speech On the steps of the Old State House where he celebrated victory four years ago, President Clinton ... On the steps of the Old State House where he celebrated victory four years ago, President Clinton called for bipartisanship and recalled the accomplishments of his first term. He also thanked his wife, his daughter Chelsea, Vice President Gore and other relatives, friends and staff members. He invoked his campaign theme of building a bridge to the 21st century, saying that the U.S. must be committed to making better opportunities for children and families. Prior to the president's speech, Vice President Gore also thanked family and friends, praised Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton and referred to his efforts to reform the federal government. There were reportedly tens of thousands of supporters at the outdoor rally.
09:50 PM EST Approx. 30 min. Washington Post Discussion with Rep. Ilhan Omar Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual ... Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual discussion hosted by the Washington Post about the results of the 2020 election and progressive priorities for the 117th Congress. Rep. Omar talked about the impact of President Trump's attacks on her and other minority women throughout his presidency and expressed hope for the incoming Biden administration. She also talked about differences between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic party, criticizing the campaign strategies of moderate candidates Conner Lamb, (D-PA) Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Alyssa Slotkin (D-MI). 08:00 PM EST Approx. 35 min. The Communicators Tech & Election 2020 This week on "The Communicators", Washington, DC-based tech reporters discussed the ways the ... This week on "The Communicators", Washington, DC-based tech reporters discussed the ways the outcomes of the 2020 election will affect the tech and telecommunications industries, including data privacy, social media, and the FCC. 09:46 PM EST Approx. 21 min. John Kerry Concession Speech Senators Edwards and Kerry spoke to supporters and conceded defeat in the presidential election. ... Senators Edwards and Kerry spoke to supporters and conceded defeat in the presidential election. They congratulated their opponents and thanked their supporters, staff, family, and friends. Senator Edwards told supporters, "You can be disappointed but you cannot walk away. This fight has just begun." He spoke about the need "to build one America." Senator Kerry spoke about his conversation with President Bush and offered his congratulations. He spoke about the "danger of division in our country, and the need - the desperate need - for unity, for finding the common ground and coming together."
10:20 PM EST Approx. 3 hr. 41 min. LIVE NASA Coverage of SpaceX Docking & Welcome Ceremony NASA provides full coverage of SpaceX Crew Dragon docking to the International Space Station, ... NASA provides full coverage of SpaceX Crew Dragon docking to the International Space Station, followed by a welcoming ceremony and news conference. 08:35 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 54 min. Fulton v. City of Philadelphia Oral Argument In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court sided wth a Catholic social services organization in ... In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court sided wth a Catholic social services organization in Philadelphia that refused to certify same-sex couples as foster parents. The city of Philadelphia stopped referring children to CSS after they learned the agency would not be placing children in the care and homes of same-sex couples. The decision in Fulton v Philadelphia, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, finds that Philadelphia's action violates the Free Exercise Clause. 10:07 PM EST Approx. 14 min. George W. Bush Victory Speech President George W. Bush spoke to supporters after learning of his victory in the 2004 ... President George W. Bush spoke to supporters after learning of his victory in the 2004 presidential election.
02:01 AM EST Approx. 21 min. LIVE NASA Coverage of SpaceX News Conference NASA officials spoke about the SpaceX Crew Dragon mission and took questions from reporters at a ... NASA officials spoke about the SpaceX Crew Dragon mission and took questions from reporters at a news conference. 10:29 PM EST Approx. 33 min. Axios Discussion on Health Care Axios hosted a discussion on health care and expanded insurance access as more positive ... Axios hosted a discussion on health care and expanded insurance access as more positive coronavirus cases spread through the country. Speakers included Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) who talked about advances in telehealth and mental health services. 10:21 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 4 min. History Bookshelf 1876 Disputed Presidential Election Michael Holt talked about his book By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876 ... Michael Holt talked about his book By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876 (University Press of Kansas, 2011). Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes won the 1876 presidential election over Governor Samuel J. Tilden of New York by a single electoral vote in one of the most disputed American presidential elections ever. Their contest produced the highest voter turnout in U.S. history" 81.8 percent of males over 21 cast a ballot. Michael Holt talked about why this election was so close and what were the areas of dispute. He responded to questions from members of the audience. "By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876" was a Miller Center Forum held on March 4, 2011, at the Miller Center for Public Affairs at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
02:22 AM EST Approx. 33 min. Campaign 2020 President-Elect Biden & Vice President-Elect Harris in Wilmington, DE President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke about their economic ... President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke about their economic recovery plans in Wilmington, Delaware. Their remarks came after a meeting with business and labor leaders. During the news conference, President-elect Biden also warned that if the Trump administration does not coordinate soon with the Biden-Harris team concerning vaccine distribution plans, more people could die. Other topics discussed included global trade, student loan debt forgiveness and working with Republicans to get things done. 11:02 PM EST Approx. 1 hr. 14 min. Drs. Anthony Fauci & Francis Collins Discuss the Coronavirus Response National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and National ... National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins participated in a discussion at Washington National Cathedral on the coronavirus response and the progress of a vaccine by the end of the year. Other questions focused on the surge in positive cases around the country, public health warnings for gathering during the Thanksgiving holiday, distrust between people of color and science experiments, and U.S. engagement with the World Health Organization under a Biden administration. 11:25 PM EST Approx. 48 min. History Bookshelf Jonathan Darman,"Landslide" & Chase Untermeyer, "When Things Went Right" Chase Untermeyer, author of When Things Went Right: The Dawn of the Reagan-Bush Administration, ... Chase Untermeyer, author of When Things Went Right: The Dawn of the Reagan-Bush Administration, and Jonathan Darman, author of Landslide: LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America, talked about their books. They spoke in the C-SPAN 2/BookTV tent at the 2014 Texas Book Festival. The festival was held from October 25-26 at the State Capitol and surrounding grounds in Austin.
02:55 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 5 min. Maryland Gov. Hogan Discussion on Direction of Republican Party Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) joined the Ronald Reagan Institute for a discussion on the direction ... Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) joined the Ronald Reagan Institute for a discussion on the direction of the Republican Party. The Republican governor who was serving his second term in a heavily Democratic state talked about how the Republican Party can reach out to the moderate electorate that he believes makes up the majority of the country. "We cannot afford to continue to perpetuate toxic politics," he said while making the case for Republicans to start pushing pragmatic, big-tent politics to appeal to more voters. 12:16 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 53 min. Fulton v. City of Philadelphia Oral Argument In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court sided wth a Catholic social services organization in ... In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court sided wth a Catholic social services organization in Philadelphia that refused to certify same-sex couples as foster parents. The city of Philadelphia stopped referring children to CSS after they learned the agency would not be placing children in the care and homes of same-sex couples. The decision in Fulton v Philadelphia, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, finds that Philadelphia's action violates the Free Exercise Clause. 12:13 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 32 min. Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Decision Legal experts discuss the 2000 Bush v. Gore U.S. Supreme Court case, including the decision's ... Legal experts discuss the 2000 Bush v. Gore U.S. Supreme Court case, including the decision's merits, the precedents it set, and whether the ruling was driven by partisan politics. The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy hosted this event.
04:00 AM EST Approx. 17 min. NASA Coverage of SpaceX Docking with International Space Station SpaceX Crew Dragon reached the International Space Station after nearly 27 hours in orbit since ... SpaceX Crew Dragon reached the International Space Station after nearly 27 hours in orbit since its initial launch. 02:09 AM EST Approx. 33 min. Axios Discussion on Health Care Axios hosted a discussion on health care and expanded insurance access as more positive ... Axios hosted a discussion on health care and expanded insurance access as more positive coronavirus cases spread through the country. Speakers included Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) who talked about advances in telehealth and mental health services. 01:45 AM EST Approx. 9 min. Al Gore Concession Speech In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one ... In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one of the most highly contested races in U.S. history. The outcome was not decided until five weeks after voters went to the polls, when the U.S. Supreme Court stopped a Florida recount. This ultimately awarded the state's electoral votes -- and the presidency -- to Governor Bush. This is Vice President Gore's concession speech from December 13, 2000. It took place at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC.
04:17 AM EST Approx. 19 min. NASA Coverage of SpaceX News Conference NASA officials spoke about the SpaceX Crew Dragon mission and took questions from reporters at a ... NASA officials spoke about the SpaceX Crew Dragon mission and took questions from reporters at a news conference. 02:42 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 13 min. Drs. Anthony Fauci & Francis Collins Discuss the Coronavirus Response National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and National ... National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins participated in a discussion at Washington National Cathedral on the coronavirus response and the progress of a vaccine by the end of the year. Other questions focused on the surge in positive cases around the country, public health warnings for gathering during the Thanksgiving holiday, distrust between people of color and science experiments, and U.S. engagement with the World Health Organization under a Biden administration. 01:54 AM EST Approx. 13 min. Gov. George W. Bush Victory Speech In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one ... In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one of the most highly contested races in U.S. history. The outcome was not decided until five weeks after voters went to the polls, when the U.S. Supreme Court stopped a Florida recount. This ultimately awarded the state's electoral votes -- and the presidency -- to Governor Bush. This is President-elect Bush's victory speech from December 13, 2000. It took place in the Texas House of Representatives chamber in Austin.
04:36 AM EST Approx. 40 min. Washington Journal Marcus Plescia Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health ... Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, discussed state-level efforts to combat Covid-19 and plans to distribute an eventual vaccine. 03:55 AM EST Approx. 2 hr. 8 min. Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Testifies on Review of FBI Russia Investigation - Part 1 Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before Senate Judiciary Committee concerning ... Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the review of the FBI Russia investigation. He defended the bureau's investigation saying, "We opened a case to find out how the Russians might be undermining our elections. We opened a case because it was our obligation and our duty to do so. We did our job." Mr. McCabe briefly served as acting FBI director in 2017 after the dismissal of James Comey by President Trump. 02:07 AM EST Approx. 14 min. Ross Perot Concession Speech Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot spoke to supporters at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in ... Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot spoke to supporters at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in Dallas on the evening of election day, shortly after early returns projected a victory by Democratic presidential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton. Mr. Perot honored his supporters for creating a political movement, and after dancing with his wife and daughters to "Crazy," Mr. Perot congratulated Gov. Clinton for his victory, and urged his supporters to work together to improve the country. Following his remarks, Mr. Perot posed for photos with his families, and introduced his running mate Adm. James Stockdale. At the end of the rally coverage, Mr. Perot held up a bumper sticker reading, "Perot in '96."
05:16 AM EST Approx. 31 min. Washington Post Discussion with Rep. Ilhan Omar Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual ... Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Congressional Progressive Caucus whip, participated in a virtual discussion hosted by the Washington Post about the results of the 2020 election and progressive priorities for the 117th Congress. Rep. Omar talked about the impact of President Trump's attacks on her and other minority women throughout his presidency and expressed hope for the incoming Biden administration. She also talked about differences between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic party, criticizing the campaign strategies of moderate candidates Conner Lamb, (D-PA) Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Alyssa Slotkin (D-MI). 06:03 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 3 min. Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Testifies on Review of FBI Russia Investigation - Part 2 Following a short break, the Senate Judiciary Committee continued their hearing with former Deputy ... Following a short break, the Senate Judiciary Committee continued their hearing with former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe concerning the review of the FBI Russia investigation. 02:21 AM EST Approx. 10 min. George H.W. Bush Concession Speech President Bush spoke to supporters at the Bush/Quayle campaign headquarters in the Westin Galleria ... President Bush spoke to supporters at the Bush/Quayle campaign headquarters in the Westin Galleria Hotel in Houston after election returns indicated that Gov. Clinton won the election. Arising to the podium to cheers of "Thank you, George!" the president urged his supporters to stand behind the new president, and thanked key people in his campaign including former Secy. of State James Baker and his wife, Barbara. Following his remarks, the president and his wife waved to supporters from the stage.
05:47 AM EST Approx. 34 min. Campaign 2020 President-Elect Biden & Vice President-Elect Harris in Wilmington, DE President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke about their economic ... President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke about their economic recovery plans in Wilmington, Delaware. Their remarks came after a meeting with business and labor leaders. During the news conference, President-elect Biden also warned that if the Trump administration does not coordinate soon with the Biden-Harris team concerning vaccine distribution plans, more people could die. Other topics discussed included global trade, student loan debt forgiveness and working with Republicans to get things done. 07:06 AM EST Approx. 16 hr. 54 min. Public Affairs Events Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. 02:31 AM EST Approx. 18 min. Bill Clinton Victory Speech Democratic presidential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton spoke to supporters shortly after returns ... Democratic presidential nominee Gov. Bill Clinton spoke to supporters shortly after returns projected a Clinton presidential victory at a rally outside the Old Statehouse in Little Rock. Following warmly received introductions of the Clinton family and the family of his running mate Sen. Al Gore, Gov. Clinton noted the voters' call for a new beginning, and thanked his family and supporters for their help in the campaign. He also briefly discussed issues in his election agenda, and professed his belief in "a place called Hope."} Sen. Gore thanked his family and supporters for their aid in the campaign, honored his running mate's agenda, and pledged to change the country. Following his remarks, Gov. Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Gore, and Tipper Gore shook hands with supporters in the crowd as the PA played "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac.
06:21 AM EST Approx. 17 min. NASA Coverage of SpaceX Docking with International Space Station SpaceX Crew Dragon reached the International Space Station after nearly 27 hours in orbit since ... SpaceX Crew Dragon reached the International Space Station after nearly 27 hours in orbit since its initial launch. 02:49 AM EST Approx. 14 min. Bob Dole Concession Speech Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole thanked supporters, family and staff members and ... Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole thanked supporters, family and staff members and conceded defeat in the 1996 election.
06:38 AM EST Approx. 2 min. NASA Coverage of SpaceX Crew Boarding International Space Station SpaceX Crew Dragon boarded the International Space Station shortly after docking. SpaceX Crew Dragon boarded the International Space Station shortly after docking. 03:03 AM EST Approx. 25 min. Bill Clinton Victory Speech On the steps of the Old State House where he celebrated victory four years ago, President Clinton ... On the steps of the Old State House where he celebrated victory four years ago, President Clinton called for bipartisanship and recalled the accomplishments of his first term. He also thanked his wife, his daughter Chelsea, Vice President Gore and other relatives, friends and staff members. He invoked his campaign theme of building a bridge to the 21st century, saying that the U.S. must be committed to making better opportunities for children and families. Prior to the president's speech, Vice President Gore also thanked family and friends, praised Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton and referred to his efforts to reform the federal government. There were reportedly tens of thousands of supporters at the outdoor rally.
06:40 AM EST Approx. 19 min. NASA Coverage of SpaceX News Conference NASA officials spoke about the SpaceX Crew Dragon mission and took questions from reporters at a ... NASA officials spoke about the SpaceX Crew Dragon mission and took questions from reporters at a news conference. 03:28 AM EST Approx. 20 min. John Kerry Concession Speech Senators Edwards and Kerry spoke to supporters and conceded defeat in the presidential election. ... Senators Edwards and Kerry spoke to supporters and conceded defeat in the presidential election. They congratulated their opponents and thanked their supporters, staff, family, and friends. Senator Edwards told supporters, "You can be disappointed but you cannot walk away. This fight has just begun." He spoke about the need "to build one America." Senator Kerry spoke about his conversation with President Bush and offered his congratulations. He spoke about the "danger of division in our country, and the need - the desperate need - for unity, for finding the common ground and coming together."
06:59 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 7 min. LIVE Washington Journal 11/17/2020 03:48 AM EST Approx. 13 min. George W. Bush Victory Speech President George W. Bush spoke to supporters after learning of his victory in the 2004 ... President George W. Bush spoke to supporters after learning of his victory in the 2004 presidential election.
08:06 AM EST Approx. 15 hr. 54 min. Public Affairs Events Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. 04:01 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 4 min. History Bookshelf 1876 Disputed Presidential Election Michael Holt talked about his book By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876 ... Michael Holt talked about his book By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876 (University Press of Kansas, 2011). Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes won the 1876 presidential election over Governor Samuel J. Tilden of New York by a single electoral vote in one of the most disputed American presidential elections ever. Their contest produced the highest voter turnout in U.S. history" 81.8 percent of males over 21 cast a ballot. Michael Holt talked about why this election was so close and what were the areas of dispute. He responded to questions from members of the audience. "By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876" was a Miller Center Forum held on March 4, 2011, at the Miller Center for Public Affairs at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
05:05 AM EST Approx. 48 min. History Bookshelf Jonathan Darman,"Landslide" & Chase Untermeyer, "When Things Went Right" Chase Untermeyer, author of When Things Went Right: The Dawn of the Reagan-Bush Administration, ... Chase Untermeyer, author of When Things Went Right: The Dawn of the Reagan-Bush Administration, and Jonathan Darman, author of Landslide: LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America, talked about their books. They spoke in the C-SPAN 2/BookTV tent at the 2014 Texas Book Festival. The festival was held from October 25-26 at the State Capitol and surrounding grounds in Austin.
05:53 AM EST Approx. 1 hr. 29 min. Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Decision Legal experts discuss the 2000 Bush v. Gore U.S. Supreme Court case, including the decision's ... Legal experts discuss the 2000 Bush v. Gore U.S. Supreme Court case, including the decision's merits, the precedents it set, and whether the ruling was driven by partisan politics. The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy hosted this event.
07:22 AM EST Approx. 16 hr. 38 min. Public Affairs Events Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews. Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews.