Highlights This Weekend on American History TV May 19-21, 2018

by NinaShelton

C-SPAN3's American History TV
8am Saturday – 8am Monday May 19-21, 2018  


Saturday 6pm ET
The Civil War: Slavery & Reconstruction in the West
University of Washington historian Quintard Taylor explores slavery, the abolition movement, and Reconstruction in the West, focusing on Kansas and Missouri before and after the Civil War. The Kansas City Public Library hosted the event.


Saturday 8pm & midnight ET
Lectures in History: The South & National Culture in the 1970s
East Tennessee State University professor Tom Lee teaches a class about the South's influence on national culture in the 1970s. He highlights the political importance of the region during Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign, notes the shift in migration to the South, and the rise of NASCAR and country music.


Saturday 10pm, Sunday 4pm ET
Reel America: "Columbia Revolt" – 1968
On April 23, 1968, several hundred Columbia University students protested the Vietnam War and the school's plan to build a gym on a public park. After tearing down a construction fence and battling with police, the group occupied several campus buildings. Negotiations between the university and the students failed and, six days later, New York City police were called in, protesters and bystanders were beaten, and 700 arrested. "Columbia Revolt" is a film made by the New York Newsreel film collective that documented the events from the student protesters' point of view, including scenes inside the occupied buildings, police beating students, and negotiations with campus authorities.


Sunday 10am, 7pm & 11pm ET
Oral Histories: Witness to War Foundation
American History TV begins a five-week series of interviews with Vietnam War veterans. This week, we hear from Charlie McMahon, who talks about his Marine Corps service and his time with "CAP" -- the Combined Action Program that placed his unit in a village to live and work with local Vietnamese. First we talk to Witness to War Foundation founder and managing director Tom Beaty about the interviews and the foundation's mission and origins.

American History TV. All weekend - every weekend. Only on C-SPAN3.