Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Mexican Government and its Future

Mexican Government and its Future

James Jones, former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, discusses the Mexican government and the future of the country, including the importance of establishing rule of law to boost the confidence of investors and citizens alike.


James Jones, former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, discusses the Mexican government and the future of the country, including the importance of establishing rule of law to boost the confidence of investors and citizens alike.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Explain the importance of “rule of law” to the future of Mexico.
  • What role does the open economic system and foreign investment have with the “rule of law” and Mexico’s future?
  • Describe where Ambassador Jones sees Mexico going in the future years. Explain the different reforms he references.



  • Constituents
  • Institution
  • Investors
  • Rule Of Law
  • Transparent


Comparative GovernmentForeign Policy


Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity