Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Individual rights and public health, the case of COVID vaccine mandates

The line between individual rights and public health

Dr. Joel Zinberg of the NYU Langone Medical Center and Arthur Caplan of the Competitiveness Enterprise Institute talked about vaccine mandates.


This bell ringer explores the legal precedents for vaccine mandates, including those codified through OSHA policies and the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • CLIP 1: Compare what both Arthur Kaplan and Dr. Joel Zinberg say about "the line between individual rights and public health."
  • CLIP 2: When does Arthur Kaplan say that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can step in to protect worker health? How and why does he say that OSHA would take any action?
  • CLIP 2: From where does Dr. Joel Zinberg say that OSHA derives its authority? From the clip, what are the two ways in which OSHA makes rules and regulations?
  • CLIP 2: What are the three reasons that Dr. Joel Zinberg does not think the Biden Administration's vaccine mandate will meet the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)?

Additional Resources



    • Commerce Clause
    • Constitution
    • Emergency Temporary Standard
    • Notice & Comment Rulemaking
    • Occupational Safety And Health Administration
    • President


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesHealth


    Middle SchoolHigh School