Bell Ringers
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User-Created Content
By sunshinecavalluzzi
On July 21, 2023

Bell Ringer: Signing Statements

Space Weather Data - PROSWIFT Act

Congressman Frank R. Lucas (R-OK) discusses collection of space weather data with Richard Spinrad, Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


Presidential signing statements are written comments issued by the President when signing a bill into law. Signing statements can indicate support for the new legislation but alternatively can be used to indicate the President's disapproval of some aspect of the bill and/or the President's intentions with regards to how the legislation will be implemented by the executive branch. This is an example of an informal power of the President. Signing statements opposing legislation are controversial; some critics assert that they violate the President's Constitutional obligation to "faithfully execute the law," as provided in Article II, Section 3. The provided video clips pertain to bills for which Presidents Trump and Obama issued signing statements; the signing statements are provided in the Additional Resources section.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • On a scale of 1-4, one being not at all effective and 4. being highly effective, rate the degree of effectiveness you think Presidents Trump and Obama each achieved in their signing statements in communicating their position on the laws in question and explain your rankings.
  • After reviewing the video clips, signing statements, and provided articles, do you agree or disagree with the critics who assert that signing statements do not align with the President's "faithful execution" obligation? Explain your position!
  • Why might a President sign a law and issue an oppositional signing statement rather than using veto power to stop the bill from becoming law?
  • AP Government Questions to Consider: What impact might divided government have on the use of signing statements? How does the use of signing statements pertain to discussions of the "imperial Presidency?" How do they align with the Framers' intent for the office of the Presidency? What aspects of Federalist 70 are reflected in signing statements?

Additional Resources



    • Checks And Balances
    • Constitution
    • Executive Power
    • Legislation
    • Message Power
    • President
    • Separation Of Powers
    • Signing Statements


    AP U.S. Government Key TermsBureaucracy & RegulationExecutive Branch


    High School