Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Biography of Jane Appleton Pierce

Family and Education

Jane Walter Venzke, co-author of "The President's Wife, Jane Appleton Pierce," discusses the First Lady's family, childhood, and education.


Jane Walter Venzke, co-author of "The President's Wife, Jane Appleton Pierce," discusses the First Lady's family, childhood, education, later life, and time in the role.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • CLIP #1: Based on the clip, who were Jane Pierce's parents? Summarize their backgrounds.
  • CLIP #1: What "roles" did the men and women in the Appleton family take?
  • CLIP #1: According to Jane Walter Venzke, who were Jane's siblings? What roles did her parents play?
  • CLIP #1: What was Jane's father's life "characterized by?" Summarize his "Calvinistic philosophy," and how the family ultimately viewed the death of the youngest child.
  • CLIP #1: Where did Jane move to after the death of her father? Summarize her learning at "Miss Fiske's School."
  • CLIP #2: Describe Jane Pierce's "frailty." What may have been the causes of some of these ailments?
  • CLIP #2: According to Jane Walter Venzke, what occurred in 1823?
  • CLIP #2: How might Jane have met her husband Franklin? Summarize her perspective as a "wife and mother."
  • CLIP #2: Based on the clip, was Jane depressed? Why or why not?
  • CLIP #2: What did Franklin and Jane's Calvinistic beliefs "stress?" Describe the influence of their beliefs during the death of their son Benny.
  • CLIP #2: What were the "mourning customs" of the day, and how did these customs affect Jane's health?
  • CLIP #2: Why was Jane "condemned?" Was this condemnation appropriate, according to Venzke?

Additional Resources



    • Aristocracy
    • Boarding School
    • Bowdoin College
    • Frailty
    • Genteel
    • Inauguration
    • Moral
    • Mourning
    • Obituary
    • Pious
    • President
    • Sovereignty
    • Touchstone
    • Tuberculosis
    • Water Closet


    EducationExecutive BranchU.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity