Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Benefits and Dangers: Examples of How the Federal Government is Responding to Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk Discusses Idea of AI Legislation

SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 - “I think this meeting may go down in history as being very important for the future of civilization,” said Space X founder Elon Musk following a closed-door meeting with senators and other tech CEOs on artificial intelligence (AI). He described the meeting as a “very civilized discussion among some of the smartest people in the world” and agreed that there was consensus for government regulation of AI technology.


As AI grows in popularity, so does word of its benefits and dangers. The government, especially the legislative branch, has had an increase in committee hearings to see what, if anything, it can do concerning these issues. This collection of videos reflect a few examples of how Congress spoke with Elon Musk and had committee hearings in 2023.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Clip 1: How does Elon Musk describe the meeting he had with political leaders, and what does he think can come of it?
  • Clip 2: What benefits or challenges does Dr. Christopher Longhurst highlight in the use of AI in healthcare, and how might they help patients?
  • Clip 3: In what ways are individuals in danger from AI-related scams, as discussed by Steve Weisman?
  • Clip 4: What specific bills or measures does Sen. Bob Casey discuss for protecting workers from the impact of AI in the workplace?
  • Extension Question: Are there any other measures you think the government can do to protect people from AI abuse, while embracing its potential benefits?

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    • Clinician
    • Consumer
    • Regulator
    • Surveillance


    Bureaucracy & RegulationHealthScience & Technology


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity