Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer: Kelton House and the Underground Railroad

Kelton House and the Underground Railroad

Kelton House and the Underground Kelton House and the Underground Railroad


A tour of the Kelton House, a stop on the Underground Railroad, located in Columbus, Ohio, and a discussion about some of the escaped slaves who sought shelter there on their way north.

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • Define the Underground Railroad. Where were the runaway slaves, in this part of the country, heading? Why? According to Ms. Reuter, what were some of the obstacles that they faced during their travels?
  • Who were the Kelton’s? Where were they from? Describe the experience of the Kelton family during the Civil War.
  • Define the term abolitionist. Where in the house were the quarters for the runaways typically located? According to Ms. Reuter, how long did a fugitive slave typically stay at each stop on the Underground Railroad?
  • According to Ms. Reuter, where were some of the other geographical locations that runaway slaves from the deep south fled to?



    • Abolitionist
    • Fugitive Slave Laws
    • Sympathizer
    • Underground Railroad


    Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesState HistoryU.S. History


    Middle SchoolHigh SchoolUniversity