Bell Ringers
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User-Created Content
By parrisbo
On July 22, 2019

Bell Ringer: Are you a FACT CHECKER???

Identifying Credible Resources

Identifying Credible Resources


Do you believe EVERYTHING that you read or hear?? When using devices at school and at home, it is important to identify accurate news and information resources. Use this assignment to help you evaluate yourself as a "Fact Checker" or not. Watch this CSPAN video clip featuring an interview with News Literacy founder and CEO Alan Miller as he offers tips and strategies to determine reliable sources in today's world of "fake news."

Bell Ringer Assignment

  • 1. Why should a student question what they're reading?
  • 2. Why would an "anonymous" source be a red flag?
  • 3. Why is "tone" important when assessing an information source?
  • 4. Write a definition of "bias" using your own words.
  • 5. What is the difference between news and opinion?
  • 6. According to Mr. Miller, where are most students getting their information from?
  • 7. According to Mr. Miller, what are three strategies that you can use to determine if a social media post is factual?
  • 8. So......are you a FACT CHECKER?? Based on what you've taken away from this assignment, what will you change about how you review information?

Additional Resource



    • Anonymous
    • Bias
    • Discern
    • Insight
    • Source


    EducationEnglish & LiteratureMedia


    Middle School