House Tables Motion to Vacate the Chair, 359-43
Senate Session - March 7, 1996

The Senate debated a bill to extend the Whitewater Committee’s authority to continue its investigation. Opponents again objected to the measure being brought to the floor. Lawmakers began consideration of a small business regulatory relief bill. Members also voted to allow the government to spend more money without violating the debt limit, but defeated the substitute bill offered by Senator Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) that would have raised the debt limit by $500 billion.

9:29AM - 6:18PM ETSenate Session

    118th Congress - Senate
    Total Hours: 1238 (After 497 days)
    • Debate287 Hours
    • Quorum Calls249 Hours
    • Votes451 Hours

    Click a category within the legend to toggle its visibility.

    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (