View the Retiring House Members of the 118th Congress

Bills in the 106th Congress

H.AMDT. 611

Amends H.CON.RES. 290


March 23, 2000
9:25 PM EST
On agreeing to the Stenholm amendment (A003) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 171 - 243, 1 Present (Roll no. 72). (text as modified: CR H1368)
March 23, 2000 Stenholm amendment (A003) modified by unanimous consent. The modifications reflect the additional mandatory budget authority contained in AIR 21. Changes do not affect the outlay, surplus or debt totals in the original amendment.
March 23, 2000 Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Stenholm. (consideration: CR H1363-1374; text: CR H1364-1367)