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Bernie Reeves


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    Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat

    Max Holland, author of Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat, talked about the Watergate scandal, the role of "Deep Throat"and the media, and the motivations for Mark Felt’s anonymous whist…

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    Retrieval of U.S. Spy Satellite

    David Waltrop of the CIA’s Historical Division talked about the retrieval of a U.S. spy satellite from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. In 1972, the CIA and U.S. Navy gathered the remains of…

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    FBI Historian John Fox on J. Edgar Hoover

    FBI historian John Fox spoke about the career of J. Edgar Hoover who served as FBI Director for 48 years, from 1924 until 1972. He talked about Hoover’s role in developing the FBI, and how p…