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George H. W. Bush


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    Gorbachev and Bush Breakfast Meeting

    General Secretary Gorbachev and Vice President Bush met at a luncheon following the U.S.-Soviet Summit.

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    Freedom Rally for Soviet Jews

    This rally was held in Washington D.C. during the summit between President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev in support of the Soviet Jews who had experienced significant…

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    Freedom Rally for Soviet Jews

    Participants spoke about religious freedom and the plight of Soviet Jews and dissidents under the Soviet policy of Glasnost. The “Freedom Sunday” rally on the National Mall preceded a summit…

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    Presidential Candidates Debate

    NBC hosted a debate with all twelve major candidates in the 1988 presidential race. The six Democratic candidates and the six Republican candidates debated among members of their own party a…

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    American Spectator 20th Anniversary Gala

    Vice President George H.W. Bush spoke to the crowd gathered at the 20th Anniversary Gala for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine. Vice President Bush spoke briefly about the impa…

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    Bush Campaign Speech

    Vice President George H.W. Bush delivered a speech to the Western States Republican Leadership Conference about his reasons for running for President and his qualifications for that office.

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    Senate Session

    Senators gave out of order speeches on any topic. Vice President George Bush swore in David Karnes of Nebraska as a Senator. The Senate proceeded to Morning Business.

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