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Kevin Brady


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    Tax Reform Enrollment Ceremony

    House and Senate Republicans held an enrollment ceremony for the conference report of their tax reform bill. Speakers included House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc…

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    House Session

    The House revoted and passed the Republican tax reform bill, which was been stripped of three provisions that were determined to be in violation of Senate rules.

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    President Trump and Republican Lawmakers Celebrate Passage of Tax Reform

    President Trump delivered remarks at the White House after Congress passed the Republican tax reform bill. Congressional Republicans, Cabinet members, and staffers attended the event during …

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    House Republicans on the Tax Reform Vote

    House Republican leaders spoke to reporters in the Capitol after passage of the Republican tax reform bill. They said the vote was historic and listed several predicted benefits taxpayers an…

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    House Session

    In a 227-203 vote, the House approved the Republican tax reform bill. Members also passed H.R. 3312, Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act of 201, which reduces certain certain regulatio…

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    House Rules Committee Tax Reform Bill

    The House Rules Committee approved debate rules for the House-Senate Conference Committee report on the Republican tax reform bill. The 9-4 vote was along party lines.

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    Ways and Means Chair Press Conference on Tax Reform

    House Ways and Means Chair Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX) spoke with reporters on the conference report reconciling the House and Senate versions of Republican-backed tax reform legislati…

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    House-Senate Conference Committee on Republican Tax Reform Bill

    House and Senate conference committee members met to discuss reconciling the two Republican tax reform bills passed separately out of each chamber. Republicans praised the efforts of staffer…

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    House Pro Forma Session

    The House met for a pro forma session.

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    House Session, Part 2

    The House voted 222-192 on the motion to go to conference with the Senate on the Republican tax reform bill. Members defeated a Democratic effort to require House negotiators to take certain…

    View in Congressional Chronicle367 views
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    House Session

    The House approved legislation that would exempt makers of manufactured homes, also known as “mobile homes,” from regulations for mortgage lenders.

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    House Republicans on Tax Reform Vote

    House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and other House Republicans held a news conference to discuss passage of the tax reform bill. Shortly before the briefing, the House approved the proposal by a…

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    House Session, Part 1

    The House debated the House Republican tax reform bill, HR 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. No amendments were allowed to the legislation during floor debate.

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    House Session, Part 2

    House members debated and voted on the House Republicans' tax reform bill.

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    House Session

    The House began initial debate on the Republican tax reform bill.

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    Representative Kevin Brady on House Republican Tax Reform Bill

    House Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady (R-TX) spoke on “Fox News Sunday” about the Republican tax reform plan.

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    Tax Reform Bill Markup, Day 4

    The House Ways and Means Committee continued its fourth day of debate on the Republican tax reform bill. In this portion, Democrats offered amendments on tax subsidies for green energy proje…

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    Tax Reform Bill Markup, Day 3 Part 3

    The House Ways and Means Committee continued for a third day marking up the Republican tax reform plan. In this portion, members considered several amendments including one to repeal the “Ca…

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    House Ways and Means Tax Reform Markup, Briefing Remarks

    House Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Republican committee members spoke briefly to reporters after they completed marking up their tax reform plan. The committee appro…

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    Tax Reform Bill Markup, Day 3 Part 1

    The House Ways and Means Committee continued for a third day marking up the Republican tax reform plan. During this morning into the early afternoon portion, members debated and considered n…

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