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Richard "Dick" E. Cole


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    Richard Cole West Point Oral History Interview

    U.S. Military Academy graduate Richard Cole talked about his experiences as a West Point cadet and his Vietnam War service, including his second tour of duty in 1973 during the American with…

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    Recollections of World War II Air and Sea Attacks

    Three World War II veterans talked about their wartime experiences. The panel included a Pearl Harbor survivor, a member of the famed Doolittle Raiders, and a U.S. Navy ace pilot. The Americ…

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    Recollections from World War II

    Three World War II veterans talked about their experiences as fighter pilots. This talk was part of a three day conference hosted by the American Veterans Center.

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    Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony for Doolittle Tokyo Raiders

    House and Senate leaders held a ceremony to award the Congressional Gold Medal in honor of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders, a volunteer unit that conducted the first air raid on Japan during Wor…

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    World War II Veterans

    Veterans of World War II talked about their experiences during the war, including those of the "Doolittle Raiders, who conducted the first air raid on Japan in the spring of 1942. Americ…

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    Birth of the 1st Air Commando Group

    Dennis Okerstrom talked about his upcoming book, Project 9: The Birth of the Air Commandos in World War II, about a secret team that was a forerunner to modern special forces units. He was j…

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    The Doolittle Raid

    World War II veterans who were directly involved in the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo, Japan shared their personal accounts. The Doolittle Raid, in April, 1942, was the first air attack by the U.S…

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    The Doolittle Raiders

    Several veterans of the April 18, 1942, “Doolittle Raid” on Japan talked about their experiences. A video clip was also shown of a documentary about General Jimmy Doolittle describing the mi…