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U.S. History Ken Burns


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    Ken Burns on The Central Park Five

    Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns discussed his new documentary The Central Park Five. It tells the story of five black and Latino teens who were wrongly convicted of raping a jogger in New Yo…

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    Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns on His Film The Central Park Five

    Ken Burns discussed his latest PBS documentary The Central Park Five, which tells the story of five Harlem teenagers who were wrongly convicted of raping a jogger in Central Park in 1989. He…

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    Saturday Book and Author Breakfast

    Mr. Burns talked about his book and the PBS series The War, which was a documentary on World War II. Ms. See talked about her personal history and her book Peony in Love: A Novel and the rol…

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    American Culture

    Ken Burns spoke about the American experience and the power that past lives and past moments have over our present and future. He referred to the past and history as the “DNA of our society”…