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King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. Jesse Jackson


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    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination 50th Anniversary Commemoration

    An outdoor service from Memphis commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. The ceremony at the National Civil Rights Museum’s plaza in front of the preserv…

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    Martin Luther King Jr. and Social Activism

    On the 50th anniversary commemorating the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., past and present civil rights leaders that included Representative John Lewis (D-GA), Marian Wright Ede…

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    Ministers March for Justice, Speaking Portion

    Reverend Al Sharpton, led the “Ministers March for Justice” on the 54th anniversary of the March on Washington during which Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. The march…

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    Race, Discrimination and Poverty

    Civil rights leaders talked about race and poverty in the United States. They focused many of their remarks on Dr. Martin Luther King’s beliefs and teaching regarding poverty. Other topics i…

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    Redeem the Dream Summit, Part 1

    The Reverend Jesse Jackson and Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) were among the civil rights leaders who reflected on the 1963 March on Washington and commented on the current state of civ…

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    Redeem the Dream Summit, Part 3

    Younger civil rights activists talked about the future of the movement, how to better organize, and get youth involved in pushing for change. “The Next 50 Years: Freedom Forward” was a pane…

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    Realize the Dream Rally and March

    Civil rights leaders and contemporary movement leaders spoke at the Lincoln Memorial at a “Realize the Dream” commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Fr…

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    50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington

    Participants spoke about the 1963 March on Washington and its upcoming 50th Anniversary. They reflected on their personal stories from the march and participation in the civil rights movemen…

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    Martin Luther King Memorial Luncheon

    As a prelude to the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on August 28, 2011, the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation held a luncheon to honor the civil r…

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    Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication

    At the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial on the national mall, participants spoke about the legacy of the Reverend King and the civil rights movement. This program d…

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    Legacy of Martin Luther King

    Civil rights and labor leaders spoke about the work and legacy of Martin Luther King in regard to civil and labor rights. This program was part of a a symposium focusing on jobs, social just…

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    The First Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the third Monday of January each year in order to fall near King’s birthday, which is January 15th. President Ronal…

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    Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Groundbreaking

    At the groundbreaking ceremony for the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial along the Tidal Basin near the Lincoln Memorial, participants spoke about the legacy of Reverend King and th…

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    Selma Voting Rights March Anniversary

    Participants gathered at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where in 1965 the civil rights movement gained national attention when white law enforcement officers used physical force to prevent voting…

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    30th Anniversary March on Washington

    Civil rights activists spoke from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the 30th Anniversary March on Washington entitled, “Jobs, Justice and Peace.” The march, whose participants suppor…

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    March on Washington Anniversary Rally

    Participants talked about the legacy of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King, Jr. at a rally to mark the 40th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington in which Dr. King gave h…

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    Martin Luther King Jr. Plaque Dedication

    Participants talked about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement at a ceremony to unveil and dedicate a plaque commemorating the 1963 March on Washington and…

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    March on Washington News Conference

    Participants talked to reporters about planned events to mark the 1963 March on Washington and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. They also responded to questions from the reporters…

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    King Assassination Anniversary

    African-American leaders spoke at a rally in Memphis, Tennessee’s Cook Convention Center to commemorate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 30th anniversary of his assassinat…

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    New Trial for James Earl Ray

    Following a White House meeting with National Security Adviser nominee Sandy Berger, Reverend Jesse Jackson spoke briefly with reporters. He discussed his support for a new trial for James E…

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