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American Tempest: How the Boston Tea Party Sparked A Revolution


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  • American Tempest How the Boston Tea Party Sparked A Revolution

    American Tempest: How the Boston Tea Party Sparked A Revolution

    Harlow Unger presented a history of the Boston Tea Party, which occurred on December 16, 1773. The author reports that the demonstration against the British collection of import duties was c…

    C-SPAN clip by mcgorry
    • 12 minutes
  • User Clip Boston Tea Party  The Stamp Act and the 7 Years War

    User Clip: Boston Tea Party - The Stamp Act and the 7 Years War

    Author Harlow Giles Unger explains how the origins of the Stamp Act are found not in the 1770s with the historical Boston Tea Party, but 2 decades earlier with the 7 Years War which was the …

    • 6 minutes
  • User Clip Boston Tea Party

    User Clip: Boston Tea Party

    The real One.

    User-created clip by clyde
    • 3 minutes
  • Stamp Act Effects

    Stamp Act Effects

    Author Harlow Unger Discusses the consequences and negative effects in the American Colonies as a result of the Stamp Act.

    C-SPAN clip by djwarden02
    • 2 minutes